Chapter 20: Encounters

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One hour later, we were lying in bed drinking another bottle of champagne. For some reason Michael looks really happy, and I'm happier to see him like this. His phone has been ringing now and then, but he ignores it.

"Aren't you going to answer? Maybe it's important."  I ask.

Michael looks at his phone on the nightstand. "I don't think so. I have a different ringtone for my family. And if it's from work they can call you first." He moves to grab his phone and check the calls "See, nothing important. Just people bothering." he says, rolling his eyes.

"What time is it anyways? It's dark" 

How long have we been fucking!?

"Almost 8:00pm. We should go and eat something before we pass out, though i dont complain about staying here and eating you instead." he snickers moving on top of me.

"Easy, Mr. Jackson. A girl needs to eat real food first before she turns into an ogre"

"Oh yeah?" he smirks. "I better be careful then. Come on, let's feed you" 

We get up and go to the hotel restaurant. We have a quiet dinner while we talk about some work things and the meeting tomorrow. This time for dessert I choose  and order some strawberries dipped in chocolate. Michael doesn't eat, but he's more than happy cleaning the chocolate that remains in the corner of my mouth with his. That soft contact feels like a tender kiss, something he has never given me. His kisses are always hard and rough.

"I see you like chocolate a lot" he says

"Of course. You don't?" I ask but he just shrugs his arms not answering. "Don't you like sweet things?" 

"If they are like you, I do" he says, biting his lip.

Corny mf

"You don't eat sweets at home?"


"Why?" I insist

"Because sweet food doesn't drives me crazy"

"Do you live by yourself?"

Michael doesn't answer and from his gesture I realize that he didn't like the question. I want to know what his life is like, if he has pets, if he prefers a dog or a cat or whatever. I want to know him, but he never lets me. Whenever I ask something about him, he closes and puts on his armor.

Instead, he gives me a forced smile "Want to order something else?"

Time to change topic!

"Nop, but I want my second dessert in the room..."

His mouth tilts up. "Since when did you get so feisty, princess?" 

The images I have running on my mind from what we did earlier, are making me wet with anticipation. When we walk through the hallway, I can feel Michael is already hard but he hides it pulling me in front of him. This man is going to destroy me. I turn on my heels to face him.

"I think we should see the video..." I tell him while I grab the waistband of his pants.

"You want to?" he asks in my ear. I nod.

What kind of question is that!!

We enter the room, go to bed and Michael takes out his phone and plays the video.I watch since Michael puts the phone on the table and comes back to me to kiss me. Our voices sound weird and that makes me laugh. I instantly blush when I see Michael lying down and I'm on top of his face.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing" I cover my face with my cheeks burning.

"Why, princess?" Michael smiles and kisses my neck. "You didn't like it?"

(+18) Dare MeWhere stories live. Discover now