Chapter 29: Mickey and Minnie

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I suddenly wake up at 3:30am and I'm alone.

Where's Michael?

I get up scared that he has left already. I walk quickly to the living room and sigh deeply when I see him on the couch. The light from the kitchen is faintly reflected in the living but I still can see him perfectly. He stays there looking thoughtful.

I wonder what he's thinking...

I see him putting drops on his eyes and then he takes a pill with a glass of water he has beside him.

Is he sick?

After that, he takes out his airpods from his jacket and putting them on, he relaxes on the couch and closes his eyes. I walk over to him.

"Are you okay?" He asks opening his eyes and looking at me with concern.

"Yes, it's just that... I thought you left because you weren't in bed with me." I say, sitting next to him.

He smiles and touches my nose. "I don't sleep too much, princess. I told you that before."

"Michael... I saw you taking some medication... what's that for?"

"Oh, just some aspirin. My head hurts." Michael rests his head on my shoulder and kisses my neck.

We stay like that for some minutes until Michael gets up to go the bathroom. I go to the kitchen to drink some water and get some ice cream left from dinner, then when I come back is on the couch again.

"You're such a sweet tooth." He laughs when he sees my bowl with ice cream.

I smile at him, then I notice he looks really tired. It's obvious if he doesn't sleep too much.

"I love this song so much." He says and I notice he still has one airpod on.

"Sounds weird to hear you say you like a song or music in general." I say laughing at him.

"Heyy, I do listen to music, but not frequently. And anyways this song reminds me of you." He says smirking and hands me the other airpod.

When I put it on, the melody of 'How Deep Is Your Love' from the Bee Gees is playing.

"Why it reminds you of me? This is a love song." I raise my eyebrow and get a spoonful of ice cream.

"Because... I was listening to that song when I saw you for the first time."

And you may not think I care for you
When you know down inside that I really do

"Ohh..." I don't even know why I'm blushing but the song playing on the background isn't helping.

How can he be so cute?

We keep listening to some songs and then Michael lays down putting his head on my lap. He is humming lowly another song while rubbing my leg and giving me little kisses on my thighs.

What's with him tonight?

Not that I'm complaining, though. I gently stroke my hand in to his hair and feel his soft curls. I love his hair.

"Are you still eating ice cream?"

"Yeah, you want some?" I ask as he leans up.

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