Chapter 27: Confrontation

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The weekend ends and on Monday we have to go travel to Mexico. Things between Melanie and me got more tense, and what bothers her more is that Michael gives his attention to me, instead to her, and we're just speaking about work...

Meanwhile Michael and me, we have been working a lot, like boss and assistant, and then when the night comes, those roles don't exist. When it's Wednesday, the meeting goes horrible. No one there had the documents Michael needed and didn't have anything prepared, so his mood is not a surprise when he wants to murder everyone. I try to ease the tension between Michael and the other workers, but I get lashed out when Michael tells me to shut up in a bad manner.

On our way back to the hotel, Michael looks sinister. I am in a bad mood too, and hearing the squealing complaints of Melanie doesn't help at all. When we arrive at the hotel, Michael asks Melanie if she can get out of the limousine for a few minutes, so he can talk to me, and after she's out, he turns to look at me annihilating me.

"This is the last time you talk in the middle of a meeting when I haven't asked you to." He says. Okay I know that wasn't my place to say anything, and I'm about to apologize when he talks first. "In the end Melanie is going to be right... you are not needed here."

Oh yeah? Cool.

"I don't care about what that bitch says."

"Well maybe I do care about what she says."

"You know what... I'm not going to argue with you when you're like this."

I move in my seat to get out when I see he scrunches his face in pain rubbing his face and eyes.

"You don't look good, is your head aching?" I ask softly, but he doesn't answer, ignoring the question.

"Good night, Alejandra."

Is he fucking kicking me out?

"Don't even talk to me or come to my room. Good night." I hiss in his face.

With the rest of dignity I have left, I walk to my suite, passing beside Melanie and I have to avoid looking at her or I'll be punching her face.

The next day, my mood is dark. I bite and spit out venom. For a moment I feel happy that the last meeting of the week is today, and that would probably mean that Michael will be spending this long weekend with me. But I don't even want to talk to him.

When I'm walking over to reception, I see he's already there. I check out his broad shoulders and his back. His curls look damp so he just showered recently.

Why he has to be handsome and imbecile?

I put my shades on. Something I learned from him to avoid everyone to see my eyes, specially when I'm this angry and the reason of my bad temper is right in front of me. When I stand beside him, I notice he's wearing his shades too.

"Good morning." I say not looking at him.

"Good morning, Ms. Hoffman." He says raising his head from his phone.


So now I'm 'Ms. Hoffman' again. This man and his stupid mood swings. Of course I wasn't expecting a hug or a smile, but at least something less formal. Apparently the night away made things worse.

I sit next to him and wait. Wait for what? I don't know and it's getting late. For someone like him, so punctual, I'm surprised we haven't left yet. That's when I hear someone running in high heels.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Michael. I had a problem with my clothes." Says Melanie apologizing and only looking at him.

He smiles at her and checks her out. "Don't worry. The delay was worth it. Did you sleep good?"

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