Chapter 19: Shower

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Between flirting, touching and kissing, we drink the entire bottle of champagne. But my mind keeps thinking about his proposal.

Should I accept it or reject it?

I feel a bit dizzy. I'm not used to drink a lot, much less champagne. Michael is now talking on the phone and I stare at him. Dressed in those dark jeans and black shirt with rolled up sleeves, he turns me on like crazy. He is slim and tall, but with a strong and toned body. I couldn't imagine him being someone with big muscles, it would take away his essence and the elegance that I like so much about him.

He is not a typical man. Long hair with lots of curls perfectly combed and defined, just like their owner. The dark eyes are nothing special, but his are. It's as if when you see them they see straight into your soul. He doesn't have any tattoos from what I've seen so far, and at his age almost most men already have at least one.

I look at his body with lust. From his loafers, I look up his long, shapely legs until I reach his butt. What a nice butt!. It's not big, but it's not small either. It's just the perfect size for him. Round and hard. He has nothing to envy anyone else either. When I look at his front, I realize that he has the button undone. Another part of him well endowed...

It's getting hot in here!

Michael turns to look at me and smiles. He does the same thing I just did, looking at me with his lascivious gaze inciting me. Then he puts down the phone, pours the last two glasses of champagne and comes to me.

"Let's go to the room" he murmurs, kissing my forehead. When we enter, Michael goes straight to bed and sits down while he takes a sip from his glass. "I have something in mind, princess."

"And it is...?" My lower parts are going to melt from how wet and hot I am. Seeing him so sexy and so manly makes me willing to do and give him everything he wants.

He gets up, leaves his empty glass on the nightstand and pulls me in for a kiss. "Are you sure you're ready? I don't want to do anything without your permission." he whispers, millimeters apart from my mouth and piercing me with his eyes.

"Bdsm no, you already know that. Other than that, I guess yes. I can't accept it if I don't know what it is" I say, tangling my fingers in his curls.

He smiles and nods. We kiss again and he squeezes my ass hard with his big hands. "You have a beautiful ass. I would love to make it mine." I get scared and take a step back.

Hell no!

I've never had anal sex and Michael, seeing me quiet but scared, understands. He takes a step towards me pulling me again. Grabbing my ass, he presses me against him.

"Don't worry, princess. I'm not going to fuck your gorgeous ass today, but it turns me on to know I will be the first one to do it." his eyes get dark and his breath is making me drunk. "First I want to make you feel good, and when the day comes and we do it, I'll be careful so you will feel pleasure and not pain. Believe me."

Oh boy...

"Yes, sir..." I whisper and Michael chuckles. I can't say anything else.

"As for today... I want to play with your senses. I want to blindfold you and tie you up" he leans and pecks me. "But with the condition that I want to video record ourselves so we can watch it later. Do you accept?"

"I don't like recordings..."

He makes that smile that I love, showing all his perfect teeth. His eyes shine. "Relax, princess. The first person interested in not letting anyone see anything we do is me, don't you think?"

(+18) Dare MeWhere stories live. Discover now