Chapter 11: Copyroom

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A delicious spicy smell wrapped me like a blanket. I don't want to wake up, so I just snuggle closer to the warmth of my pillow beneath my cheek. After a couple of minutes I feel my bed move. Weird. Brandy is moving so much today.

Then I realize who is actually moving and I open my eyes in horror. Michael...

"I know you're awake" he says, stroking my arm.

I raise my head and look straight into a pair of black eyes. Eyes that stared back at me mischievously. Then I remember last night...


"Princess, would you please take your hand off my dick, unless you're planning to do something with it" Michael says playfully, flicking his gaze down.

I follow his gaze and see that I'm touching his dick. And it is hard. The mortification I'm feeling right now is from another world, but I must say my brain is trying to imagine what Michael was packing under his pants.

And he is packing, like really packing.

I yank my hand away, my heart beating wildly in my chest as I try to organize my thoughts.

"When did I fall asleep?" I say covering my mouth and being embarrassed.

"After you came for the hundredth time" he says, leaning against the back of the bed and putting his hands behind his head. "Did I wore you out?" His satisfied smile and almost closed eyelids were a tremendous sight to wake up to.

"Yeah, now I remember..." I'm feeling my cheeks burning. I must look horrible while he looks like he came out of a magazine cover. Then I remember that I was the only one writhing on the bed while cumming several times thanks to his mouth, his fingers and the damn vibrator.

Well damn.

"You fell asleep during the movie and it was raining, so I stayed here." Michael says cooly rolling out of bed. Again looking like a panther. I'm feeling hot again.

"I don't remember inviting you to sleep with me though" I say arching my brow.

"I belong to this bed since yesterday you let me eat you out." Michael snaps, narrowing his eyes.

Excuse me, sir?

"I don't remember signing a property contract for myself or my apartment either."

"No? Then who, pray tell, am I to you?" he asks dryly. Where did this possessive caveman come from?

"You're my boss. And no one owns me" It's too early to be arguing already.

He lets out a snort. "Well, princess... Let me inform you from this moment, that now you do" he mutters. "And I don't like to share." I just roll my eyes, covering myself as I get up from the bed too.

"I'm not your type, remember? Or maybe I am" I raise my eyebrows walking past him to my bathroom.

He wants to be a jerk again? Two can play this game.

"Also, stop calling me princess."


"That's not my name"

"I know. It's a nickname" Michael says, running his hand through his hair.

He is so annoying!!

"We don't even know each other that much, Michael" I say to him watching him combing his hair and checking out his ass. Nice ass. "Also you give nicknames to people you love or care about. That's not the type of relationship we have"

(+18) Dare MeWhere stories live. Discover now