Chapter 6: File Room

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The next morning, I don't have time to make myself breakfast so I go straight to the work cafeteria for something to eat. The first one I see is Mr. Jackson. We look at each other briefly but then I look away. It's already clear to me that I can't look at him for long without getting nervous. How Stupid. For bosses, the further away the better. And this one who is so young and handsome, is an immense danger.

I still feel like he's watching me, and I turn to his table and my eyes lock with his that were already looking at me. I need to eat quickly to get out of here, I have a lot of work. I drink my coffee quickly, almost burning my tongue, and get up to go to the office. At some point in the morning he sends some guys to get my desk moved so that it is right in front of his office door.

That's all I needed!

During the day he calls me several times but everything remains professional. Thank God. There are times when he is doing things in his office and I can feel his gaze wherever I go, especially when I enter his file room. Although sometimes the computer screen covers me, this man always finds a way to lock eyes with me. I'm melting.

The next few days remain the same. Glances but no comments beyond work. I must admit that I miss flirting with him a little. Cristy hasn't messed with me again, and since we have separate desks, we barely see each other.

Michael has become very serious these days. So serious that he speaks in monosyllables and barely smiles.

I have been working as his assistant for two weeks and honestly, even though sometimes I can't stand his mood swings, I like working here, and for him. Especially because I like to see him.

I'm at the cafeteria with Carlos having breakfast, when I see that Michael enters and we exchange a couple of smiles. What the fuck am I doing!? He does what he does every time we are here. He just watches me. And he watches me and keeps watching me. I'm overwhelmed. Carlos returns from the bathroom and sits next to me again and instinctively I look at Michael. He just looks at me seriously, gets up and leaves.

No more smiles?

Every time he sees me in the cafeteria with Carlos or if he sees him walking me to the parking lot, Michael's face changes and he becomes more monosyllabic than normal.

Today Mr. Jackson has a business lunch and he will most likely be late. Better for me because I want to work without the torment of being watched. And Mr. Sanz also went out to lunch with other executives. Finally a quiet day.

I have so many documents to organize to put in the file room that I better put on my earphones and with music the work becomes more bearable.

While I sing quietly I continue with my work. Damn. There's a lot to do here. I walk into Mr. Jackson's office, full of folders and it's a miracle I don't drop them. I open one of the filing cabinets and begin to organize while I'm singing:

I never really knew that she could dance like this

She make a man wants to speak Spanish

¿Cómo se llama?, bonita

Mi casa, su casa

Oh, baby, when you talk like that

You make a woman go mad

So be wise and keep on

Reading the signs of my body

"Ms. Hoffman, you sing horrible"

That voice.

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