Chapter 7: Dinner

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Michael left for the rest of the day.

I finish all the pending work and go home. I'm thinking about ignoring Michael and not going to dinner with him. It's dangerous. I look around the house and realize I have to spend some time cleaning on my free days.

The wonders of living by myself.

In the end I decide that I will go to dinner and try to make things clear with Michael. I put on some music to start getting ready and Sean Paul starts playing to the rhythm of 'Give It Up To Me'.

I get into the shower and suddenly I'm remembering what happened this afternoon with Michael in the file room. His way of speaking, touching me and pressing me against him make me start to feel hot. I come back to reality when I feel I have a hand, slippery with soap, going down my body and I open my legs to touch myself.

Fuck you, Michael

Thinking about him, his mouth, his hands and his leg between mine turns me on so much. Remembering his eyes and everything about him is going to make me explode. I take my other hand to one of my nipples and close my eyes imagining that it's Michael doing it.

This man drives me crazy.

Something about this man intrigues me. I don't know him, at least not beyond him being my boss, how he likes his coffee in the morning and that he likes cinnamon gum. But when I have him close, he turns me on so much that it's already something insane.

What the hell is he doing to me?

Hot. I start to feel hot all over my body and I feel like my face is burning. Yeaahh... I start to gasp and run out of breath when I hear my cell phone ringing. NOT NOW! I'm not going to interrupt this moment but the stupid phone doesn't stop ringing and cuts off my inspiration.


I get out of the shower to answer it, and without looking at who's calling I respond with exasperation.

"Hello" What came out of me was a growl.

"Hola mi amor, ¿cómo estás?" (Hey baby, how are you?) My mom. I instantly feel bad for answering her like that.

My mom always changes my mood when she calls me. Being an only child has made us have such a close relationship and that makes me miss her even more. She is never satisfied with just texting, she always needs to make the occasional call during the day to listen to me and catch up. I love her.

"I'm doing good, mami. I was in the shower actually"

"Are you going to sleep so early? Do you feel sick?" As always, she thinks the worst and worries. That makes me laugh because if she knew I'm going out with my boss, she would kill me.

"No mami, I'm actually going to have dinner with a friend" Friend, aka My Boss.

"Ohh, you never told me you met someone" I can hear her intriguing tone.

"Well, he's just a colleague from work and he invited me earlier today. No big deal" I try to say it without sounding like I'm very interested.

"Ohh. Well, I'll let you go so you can get ready. Have fun, baby. I love you so much" My eyes are watering because despite my age, I'm still a cry baby and I miss her a lot.

"Me too, mami. Te amo más" (I love you more) my voice shaking a little.

"Cuidate, mi amor." (Take care, my love) And she hangs up. I'm happy and nostalgic now, but it's always good to hear mommy.

I see the time and it's already 7:15 pm, so I have to hurry. I look at my closet and I can't find anything I like, besides, this man didn't tell me where we were going. I hate that. Not that I'm a control freak, but at least I like to keep things under my control the best I can. And I have my closet full of basic clothes that hardly go beyond pants and tshirts, not counting work clothes. I find a low-cut dress with some heels that will do the work. Twenty minutes left.

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