Chapter 22: Back to Reality

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I'm woken up by the sound of someone knocking on the door. The sunlight sneaks through the curtains so that means I fell asleep on the couch. Someone keeps knocking on the door so I get up to see who it is, but I stop on my tracks when Michael comes out of the room completely bathed and dressed impeccably.

I love his scent.

"Heyy, sorry I woke you up. I ordered breakfast" he shows half a smile and his eyes look tired. He probably didn't sleep much.

"Don't worry, I'm going to shower first" This feels awkward. He looks nervous and I... I don't even know how I feel right now.

Michael clears his throat and I walk to the bathroom not keeping eye contact with him. How am I supposed to be away from him if I work for him? Unless I start looking for another job... And the reality is I don't want to be away from him. I like his presence although sometimes he exasperates me with his mood swings.

I finish my shower and get out. Michael is lying face down on the bed watching me come out of the bathroom. He looks cute in that position, like a scolded little boy waiting for his punishment to be lifted. I laugh silently and look away. In another moment I would've told him to leave the room but given that I don't want any more arguments, and I'm sure he doesn't either, I just let it go. Anyways is not that there's something here he hasn't seen yet.

I continue with my routine as if he's not there and I noticed his gaze following me studying everything I do.

"You can eat first, I might take a while finishing here" I say as I try to towel dry my hair.

"No... I'll wait for you" he murmurs quietly.

"Are you okay? You look down"

"It's just... nevermind. A lot of things" Michael sits up on the edge of the bed.

"Don't you want to talk about it?" I ask looking at him from the bathroom while I start to do my makeup

"No. It's fine. Besides other things, I still feel bad for how I treated you last night." He looks down at the floor sounding remorseful.

"I said it's okay, Michael. You already apologized" I look at my reflection on the mirror knowing full well that after what he did last night something changed between us.

"Hmm, I hope..." he says, standing up and going outside to the terrace.

I feel relieved to be left alone. The conversation is pointless when it's always going to take the same path and we're not going to change our points of view. After meditating for a few hours on the couch, I finally got my answer to his proposition.

The answer is no. I won't be going to those trips even if they're just work. I can't allow myself to be this close again with him or get more intimate. He already has a lot of power above my actions, probably more than he knows he has. And I can't blame him either, because I'm the one with not enough willpower  to reject him.

Ten minutes later, I finish my makeup and walk to the terrace where Michael is sitting while drinking an orange juice. I see him too thoughtful and spacing out a lot, which is something awkward in him. 

"Did you eat? Hope I didn't take too long" I smile at him trying to ease the atmosphere.

He smiles back but it's just a little smile, not showing his beautiful teeth. "No, I told you I was waiting for you" he says standing up to move my chair for me to sit down next to him.

Gentleman as always.

We start eating in silence but at least it doesn't feel uncomfortable. Michael now looks a bit cheered up but for some reason I see he's been distant this morning. I wonder what's on his mind right now.

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