Chapter 9: Ride

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Today is definitely not my day. I woke up late and my car battery died. It's raining as hell. I love this season but when I don't have a car, I hate it. I just keep cursing because there's not a single uber nearby. Can I just die now?. Finally one guy accepts my ride but I still have to wait 10 minutes for him to arrive. Well, I was late already, so what's a few minutes more? Then my phone starts ringing. It 's Michael. Fuck my life.

"Good morning, Mr. Jackson" I say as normal as I can.

"Where the hell are you? You're one hour late, Alejandra!" he spits. Oh Ohh, someone's in a bad mood today.

"I know, Sir. I had a problem with my car. But I'm already on my way to the office" wishing he, perhaps, feels sorry for me.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up, then" his voice softened suddenly.

"No need, Sir. Thank you, see you in a few minutes" at least my uber arrived in time to my building.

"Okay, text me if you need me to go for you anyways" Is HE being kind? Incredible.

I say goodbye as I get into the car. To my fortune, it wasn't a long ride. I almost run to my office, when the first to appear in front of me is Cristy.

"Keep going, be late more often so they can fire you faster" she says with a mocking laugh.

"Look, that's none of your business" I walk past her with a murderous look.

At my desk, Michael is already waiting for me. He looks angry and worried. He keeps pacing around the hall with his hands in his pants pockets. Scrumptious. When he raises his head, he locks his eyes on me, and now he looks more worried than angry. Why?

"Are you okay?" he asks immediately I'm in front of him

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" now I'm confused.

"You said you had a problem with your car. I thought you may have been in an accident or something similar" he keeps looking up and down to see if I'm okay.

"Don't worry. It was just the battery. I'll go buy a new one later, after office" I see his face relax a bit.

"Ohh, okay. I can take you there, if you want" he says with puppy eyes. Wasn't he angry?

"Sure, thank you, Sir" I smile at him but it fades as Cristy comes to us.

She just talks to him about someone on the phone waiting for him to answer. But I feel a weird vibe coming from her. She keeps looking at him with a too familiar look I know from the day of our interview. Those types of looks when you like someone and it's reciprocated. Now I realize Michael hasn't been snappy with her as he usually is. Instead he tries to avoid her gaze and looks nervous but trying to hide it.

What's going on here?

"Ohh, Michael I forgot, thank you for the flowers yesterday" Cristy says while rubbing his arm and getting even closer to him.

What the-... Flowers!?

He just smiles at her and looks at me, but I have no reaction. What am I going to say? I can't complain because he's nothing more than my boss. But in some deep place in my chest it pinches a bit. I'm hurt. Fucking player. For a moment, just a single second, I thought he liked me a bit. He got her flowers and gifts me a fucking vibrator. Do I look desperate?. I'm pretty sure not.

"It's okay, Cristy. Glad you liked them" he steps back from her" he forces a smile.

"Did you got home okay?" These two did something. "I bet you were really tired, since you didn't come yesterday". They did something yesterday. "Oops, sorry Alejandra. I forgot you were here" Lies. She obviously wanted me to hear all this bullshit.

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