Chapter 18: Game

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Two minutes later, the dessert is served and it looks really good.

"Did you know tiramisú means 'pick-me-up'?" I say grabbing the little spoon to taste it. "In other words, you could say the real meaning is 'make me happy'"

Michael stares at my mouth while I eat and then swallow. He gets up and moves his chair to sit closer to me. Putting his arm around my shoulders, he brings his face closer to mine without taking his eyes off my mouth. "Make me happy, then."

I wish.

"And how can I make you happy?" I take another piece  but this time I bring it to his mouth, and with my free hand I grab his face.

Staring at each other, Michael accepts opening his mouth. Then looking at my lips, he licks the spoon slowly when I take it out of his mouth. I get lost in his eyes. The most intense, dark and beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life.

"Like this" Without hesitation he lunges towards me grabbing the side of my face and kisses me.

Fuck he tastes so good!

Michael's kisses are always strong and possessive. I love it. With his arm on my shoulder he pulls me towards him. Something impossible because we cannot be closer. With my hands, I grab his neck and touch his hair. I love kissing and touching him. Suddenly we hear someone cough. We separate quickly, like a couple of teenagers discovered making out in some hidden place.

"I'm glad you liked the dessert. Can I bring you something else?" the waiter asks. Michael and I keep looking at each other until we burst out laughing.

"Sorry. No thanks, that's fine." Michael says and looks at the waiter. "Can you bring me the bill?"

The waiter nods and leaves with a joking smile. Obviously he knows that he interrupted us in the middle of our shamelessly oral examination we had here in public. After paying and leaving the restaurant, Michael grabs my hand again and I don't object.

Why would I?

Each time I like more and more the things he does and how he makes me feel. Although I'm still baffled by his proposal and how this will end if we continue as we're going. He's not looking for a relationship or something serious, but I am. And the way he acts doesn't help my attempt to retain feelings towards him.

Part of me wants to reject that proposal and the other part wants to accept it. I like how he touches me, I like his kisses, I like his voice and I like his bad mood. I like him. We keep walking for a while holding hands. We arrive at a park with a beautiful garden and we talk about many things, but nothing deep. 

"I would like to go now and fuck you hard like this morning." he says all of a sudden. I choke on my water.

"Well, aren't you charming?" I say coughing and he chuckles.

"I know, everyone tells me that very often." Michael smirks. "So...? Isn't it a tempting proposal?" he bends to kiss my cheek and my neck.

"But you haven't asked anything. You were just stating what you want to do."

He bites my neck and leans up looking at my mouth. "My bad, princess." he clears his throat and turns serious and his voice goes deep. "Dear Ms. Hoffman, would you like to go with me to our hotel and would you give me permission to fuck your gorgeous body while I let you fuck mine in all the obscene ways we can think of?" the corner of his mouth curves.

Oh my God...

"Mr. Jackson, that sounds dangerous. But since you're asking so nicely, I'll take the chance."  I lean to kiss him and softly bite his bottom lip.

In less than a second, Michael stands up and pulls my hand to leave. It makes me laugh to see his rush. We walk faster than usual and arrive at the hotel. Walking to the elevator, we get in before other people. We're in the back behind everybody and Michael pulls me by my waist.

"I feel my dick is going to explode just thinking about when I have you on all fours on the bed." he whispers with hoarse voice.

I get wet instantly. All the teasing during lunch and while we were walking is taking its toll on me. Upon entering the room, Michael approaches me but then stops and leans against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"I think we should order some strawberries, chocolate and champagne. We're going to have fun." he murmurs.

He walks to the phone to place the order and I walk towards the beautiful terrace we have to see the landscape.  Soon I feel Michael behind me, holding my waist and pressing me against him. I close my eyes as I feel him placing sweet kisses on my neck. His hands go under my tshirt and grab my breasts tightly.  We've barely just entered and he already wants to possess me.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I ask turning to look at him.

Michael looks at me... and looks at me... "Because I don't want to miss a second. Even less when it comes to you"

Stop saying sweet things!!

The things this man does to me. I don't know what to answer, all I can think of is kissing him. I pull him by the collar of his shirt and he grabs my ass while we rub on each other's body.  Michael moves and corners me.

"Did you bring the vibrator?" He asks, panting.


"No" I curse silently as I close my eyes.

Michael doesn't say anything. Instead, he looks at me and with his hand he unbuttons my jeans and lowers the zipper. He puts his hand under my panties and his middle finger goes straight to attack my clit, pressing and moving it to stimulate me.

As if he needed to do it!

"I told you to always carry it with you, princess. Don't you remember?" 

"Yeah..." I gasp

"Ahh, princess... you need to follow orders and always remember my advice." 

I nod. I'm totally at his mercy as I always am when he touches me. His finger stops and he slowly pulls it out. I want him to continue. I need him to continue. I'm about to plead, when he puts his finger close to my mouth.

"I want you to taste yourself. I want you to understand why I'm crazy about you and crazy to eat you again." Surprising him, I lean in and enter his finger into my mouth sucking it and sliding my tongue all over it. "Shit..." he whispers.

This is so dirty and I'm here for it.

"I'm sorry I for...-"

"Ms. Hoffman... today you're going to pay for not bringing that vibrator" he says in my ear. "But... we're going to play something else. You dare?."

"Dare me..." I sigh, looking into his eyes and more turned on with each passing second.

"Are you sure?"


"To anything?"

"Not bdsm..."

Michael chuckles. There's a knock on the door and he goes to open the door to the waiter who brings a beautiful glass table with everything he ordered. Michael uncorks the champagne and pours two glasses.

"Let's toast to how much fun we're going to have, Ms. Hoffman." he says, handing me a glass. 

I look at him. He looks at me. My body immediately reacts to his gaze. This daring game between us is sensual and dangerous. Almost illegal. And as much as I want to get out of it, Michael has his mysterious way of tying me up and attracting me back. I smile at him and clink my glass with his.

"Here's to that, Mr. Jackson."

Let the game begin.

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