Chapter 16: Office

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I wake up at 7:00 am and surprisingly I don't feel tired. I get ready calmly, and at 8:30am I arrive at the office. I enter the elevator and see Carlos. We greet each other normally and he invites me to have breakfast with him and I say yes. Anyway, we almost always have breakfast together.

We go straight to the cafeteria and ten minutes later I almost choke on my coffee when I see Michael entering and going to his usual table. Because he is the boss, they always go to where he is to ask him what he wants and take it to him.

He looks handsome in his black suit and red shirt. He is talking on the phone and looks serious, most likely he is talking about work. Michael hasn't noticed I'm here yet. But he sees me, and changes seats for one that looks directly at me.

Oh my...

Carlos suddenly gets up and says he has to go. I tell him there's no problem and I'm left alone finishing my breakfast until someone sits in front of me.

"I hope my presence doesn't bothers you" Mr. Sanz says with a cheeky smile.

"Of course not, Mr. Sanz" I smile at him

What a strange situation, I hadn't spoken much with him since I started working. We eat breakfast in silence and in a fraction of seconds I look up at Michael and freeze when I meet his cold and angry gaze.

Iceman should be his name.

"How has it been working with Michael?" Mr. Sanz asks and I avoid Michael's stare.

"For now everything is going well. A little hectic but we're already up to date on almost everything."

"I'm glad, Alejandra" he smiles and drinks his coffee.

But now I'm a nosily curious person who wants to know more about Michael. "Did you work with his father?"

"Oh yes. The truth is that Mr. Jackson was a strange and not very talkative man." He knows by my face that I want to know more so he keeps talking. "He had a heart attack."

"Did he have more children?"

"Yes. But all of them live far from here."

I feel sad remembering that Michael lost his dad recently. It must be very hard. "That's so sad"

"But Michael didn't have a good relationship with his father. Michael didn't even live here."

Enough information in just a few minutes. Suddenly I see Michael get up and leave. Not having his penetrating gaze is a relief. The conversation ends and we go to our offices. When I sit at my desk I see that Michael has his door open and is staring at me. I check my phone and I see a text from Michael ten minutes ago.

'Flirting during work hours?'

I smile but put the phone back in the purse. Let him dream that I'm going to answer him.

"Ms. Hoffman, please come to my office." Michael says standing by the door with his arms crossed and looking pissed as fuck.

I love his tightened jaw!

He turns to his office and looks back to see if I'm following him. Of course, I am. He lets me enter and then closes the door, locking it. He really looks angry. He walks to his desk and opens a drawer to take out a small box.

Oh damn...

"Here." he places the box on the desk.

"What 's that?" The confusion is installed all over my face.

"A new phone. Your current one is obviously broken since you haven't replied to any of my texts in the past three days. Not even this morning." he says icily.

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