Chapter 10: Visit

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I'm fuming. I get home and instantly relax when I see my dog. At least she's happy to see me and I'm her type. Ugh. I'm not sure what makes me more angry right now; The fact that he tells me I'm not his fucking type but tried to charm me with fancy dinners and shit, or, the audacity to tell me what to do. Or even worse, the fucking flowers he gave Cristy.

I need a shower to calm down.

I go to my room, and get undressed to go into the shower, but before, I really need loud music or my thoughts will kill me. 'Toxic' by Britney Spears sounds perfect. My bubble explodes when the music stops and the phone starts ringing. I'm not answering now.

Thankfully it stops ringing and the music gets back. But just a few minutes later, I'm rinsing my hair when I hear Brandy barking loudly, so I get out of the shower. Probably just a neighbor in the hallway or something. Just to make sure everything's okay, I go to the living room to see Brandy. She's there and barking again at the door, then when she notices me she stops and comes to me.

"What's the matter, love?" I bend to rub her head when someone starts knocking on the door and Brandy immediately runs to bark again. Who would it be? At the same time my phone rings, stopping the music again.  I go to the room and see it's Michael calling. I hang up so he texts me.

'Stop hanging up the phone and open the door'

HA! He must be on psychotropics if he thinks I'm going to let him in. I dry myself and put on my pjs. I'll leave him outside until he gets bored and leaves. But the noise between the phone ringing, the knocking on the door and Brandy barking are driving me crazy. Fine, I'll let him in.

"What do you want?" I ask as I open the door.

"Talk to you." He says squinting his eyes, standing there with all his bossy demeanor and looking sexy.

Why does he have to look sexier with that angry face?

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me, and honestly, now it's me who doesn't want to talk"  I press my fingers to my temples. I'm not keeping this on.

I'm done. 

"I'm not here to argue. I wanted to say I'm sorry for being rude in the car" His face softens "also you left this" he hands me my wallet "it fell on the car floor when you got out"

Yeah, I remember I took it out when I was going to the laundry but then forgot to put it back in my purse after he was the one who got out. 

"Oh, Thank you" I say calmly "At least it was in your car".

He looks at me as if he was studying my face. "Can I come in?" he asks somewhat sounding like a pleading. I can't be ungrateful with him, and wanting to make things up with him, I move from my door to let him enter. This almost sounds like a damn relationship.


"I like your apartment" he says, walking in and looking around. "Feels comfy. Like you right now " he says looking at me, almost eating me with his eyes.

"Yeah... If I were you, I wouldn't go there, to be honest" I say walking past him to sit on the couch "But I'm sure this place is comfy. I like it even if it's small".

Michael sits next to me but keeps his distance. "As I said, I wanted to come to apologize too" he turns in his seat to look at me. "I know I was mean and you didn't deserve that treatment" He puts one arm on the back of the couch and rests his face on one hand, while extending his other arm toward me to hold my hand.

"Listen, I'm not mad anymore. Probably earlier I just exploded, but today hasn't been a good day for me." Then I realize I'm rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. "And there were things you said too-..."

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