Chapter 24: Get to Know You

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7:30 am.
I wake up trying to remember what happened yesterday and turn to look for Michael but he isn't here. I sit up feeling my belly a bit sensitive but thank God I have no cramps.

"Good morning." Michael is standing by the door, looking clean and handsome, also with different clothes. "I asked Rick to bring me this an hour ago."

"What about your headache? Feeling better?" I ask with concern.

"Yes, princess. Thanks for asking."

I smile at him and get up. My looks are not the best but at this point I don't care. Walking to the kitchen, I stop before him and raise on my tip toes and kiss his cheek.

"Good morning" I reply back.

Michael grabs my waist and pulls me to a hug and kisses my cheek too.

"If you don't feel well you can stay home"

"No, it's not that bad. I can survive" I laugh and he does it too.

Even though it's Saturday, Michael has an important meeting today so I have to be there, no matter what.

"Okay. Mmm... I ordered Rick to buy some food so I guess you can get a shower while he arrives. Some hot coffee can make you feel good to start the day." He says, but actually what brightens my day is seeing his beautiful smile from side to side.

Gorgeous mf...

After getting ready, I go to the kitchen and see Michael reading something on his phone. Immediately as he notices me he locks the screen and puts it in his pocket.

"Here's your coffee and your breakfast." He says looking at me and then he grabs my arm to guide me to the kitchen table. "Eat."

How can someone be so snappy and demanding, and still be so cute? Only him apparently. He looks very focused reading a newspaper and I check him out. Dapper should be his second name. His curls today look more defined and I want to touch them so badly.

Finishing my food, I walk to the kitchen and throw the trash away. When I turn to walk back to Michael, he's already behind me.

"Are you feeling better today?" he asks sweetly.

"Yeah..." I nod and give him a little smile. "We can leave whenever you want."

He stares at me and nods. He doesn't touch me and it looks like he's holding back. We walk to my building exit and Rick is already waiting for us. I get some messages from Chris, asking if we can meet today but I have to be honest, I'm not in the mood to hang out.

The meeting lasts a little longer than expected. By the time we finish is lunch time so we go together to eat something. During that time, Michael gets lot of texts and he reads them with a frown on his face but doesn't reply.

On our way back, Michael and I are talking and I notice Rick takes us to a luxury hotel closer to the company's building.

"Why are we here?" I ask him feeling suspicious.

"It's not what you're thinking, princess. I live here." He chuckles

"You live in a hotel?"

"Yes." He says nonchalantly.

"Michael, why would you live in a hotel? This is your city, what's wrong with your house?"

"My parent's house. I don't live here."

Oh, I remember Mr. Sanz told me that.

"And where is your home?" I'm really curious to know.

"London. And I didn't plan to come back. That's it." His voice suddenly sounds harsh and a bit stern, but maybe it's my impression. "I just want to change my clothes to spend the rest of the day with you. Do you have any plans?"

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