Chapter 4: Meet The Boss

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The next day, when I arrive at the office, everyone looks very happy and cheerful. Especially Mr. Sanz. I wonder why... I can't help but laugh internally. If they knew I saw them in 4k. Ignoring the impure thoughts about it, I go to my desk. Mr. Sanz approaches.

"Good morning, Alejandra" He tells me very smiling "Are you ready for the big day and meet the new CEO?"

"Good morning, Mr. Sanz. Of course I'm ready, although a little nervous"

I must admit that Mr. Sanz is a handsome man. He must be in his mid 30s and since I don't see a ring on his hand, I assume he has no commitment. Not my business anyways. Since I arrived I've noticed that many women stare at him and even drool over him, but the same thing doesn't happen to me. Firstly because I don't like guys who go around flirting or smiling at everyone.

"Remember to stay calm and everything will go smooth as butter. Do you have all the paperwork ready? Mr. Jackson is almost arriving."

"Yes, everything's ready." I give him a smile but the movement of my nervous hands makes him look at me.

"Come on, I'll invite a coffee to calm your nerves."

Excuse me?

"No, thank you, I don't think coffee will do any good for my anxiety right now." I laugh nervously again but not because of work but because I am uncomfortable and I want him to go away and leave me alone. "But thank you very much, it will be for another time"

Like never.

I know the type of men like him, who are just looking for a hookup and then leave, and although that should interest me right now, I don't feel comfortable doing something so intimate with someone I barely know and with whom I don't even feel any connection. Much less am I going to mess with him knowing who I saw him with last night.

"Okay, well then try to relax and let's just hope for the best this day. See you in a while." He realizes I'm uncomfortable and giving me a forced smile, he leaves.

I decide to go to the cafeteria by myself for some tea, that would help me. I'm going to sit alone when I see that Carlos is also here and invites me to sit at his table with other colleagues. He introduces them to me and we talk for a while when suddenly I remember what I saw last night in the parking lot. It makes me angry again to think that the blonde has Mr. Sanz on her side and that that could ruin my job, makes me even more angry.

"What's the matter? I see you a bit distracted" Carlos asks me and that makes me return to earth automatically. I look at him trying to think of something to distract him.

"I'm thinking about the doggie daycare I told you I need for Brandy. I don't want the poor thing to be alone for so long."

"Oh yes, I will help you get one close to your home" Carlos responds while holding my hand.

Oh oh, red alert

I carefully remove my hand trying not to make Carlos feel bad. I am not a lover of physical contact with whom I dont trust. For a while we talked about our pets, and I like the atmosphere.

Suddenly I see Mr. Sanz arrive with Cristy and I see them talking very animatedly, especially her who keeps touching his arm and looking at him as if she wanted to pull down his pants in the middle of all of us. And of course since the blonde looks good, looks come and go.

"Alejandra" Carlos interrupts my thoughts again "Have you finished?"


We get up from the table and leave, we all have to return to our places because the meeting starts at 10:00 am. There are only 15 minutes left until it starts and I imagine that the boss must be here already. I return to my desk and Cristy's phone rings but since she is clearly not there, I answer. In the end, we both have the same boss for now.

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