Chapter 28: Everything With You

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The next day, I wake up in my bed. It's 2:00pm and I've been sleeping the whole morning. That's all I want to do. I grab my phone because I put it on DND. I have two calls from my mom, one from Chris and twenty from Michael.


But I don't want to talk with anyone, so I only text my mom that I'm okay. As I begin to wake up, my angriness from yesterday comes back, so I decide to block my thoughts with some house cleaning. When I'm pissed, I clean neatly that it's almost ridiculous.

I'm cleaning the kitchen when my foot slips on water on the floor and I fall on my back, but by reflex, I put my hand behind me to cushion the fall. The bad thing is when I try to stand up.

Fuck, this shit hurts!

I do my best and get up helping myself with my right hand and then I see my left wrist. Damn. My wrist is instantly getting swollen and red. Fuck fuck fuck and the pain is horrible! Probably I'll have to go to the hospital...

I walk to the couch and lay there, just crying. Feeling like shit about everything and how bad my day is going. My frustration is on top and the tears keep flowing down. Finally, I get up and look for my purse and a hoodie. I don't care if I'm just wearing shorts.

At the hospital, I'm tossing in pain seeing the whole galaxy and its stars. After a radiography, I breathe deeply when the doctor lets me know that my wrist isn't broken but I have a sprained wrist.


After prescribing some painkillers and putting me a wrist splint, she says I can go home. With pain that makes me see the devil himself, I look for a drugstore, but obviously at this time of the night the closer one is at the other end pf the world. Or I just feel it that way because I don't want to drive. After buying the medication, I make my way back home. It's 11:30 pm and I don't like to be this late outside by myself.

You never know...

Finally I park at my building. I walk to the elevator, then I try to open my door using one hand and take my keys out. The pain has been lowering but it's still there. I feel so tired, pained and sad.

"Don't ever run away without telling me." I hear a deep voice behind me. Hearing his voice makes me angry instantly but comforts me at the same time.

I'm definitely crazy.

I turn around and see the man that drives me up the wall just a few meters away from me. His face is stiff, and not knowing why, I lift my injured hand and start to cry like a little kid.

"I have a strained wrist."

His gesture automatically changes to a soft one. His confident attitude goes away when he looks at my wrist and then my face. Definitely Iceman is gone and Michael is here. The Michael I like.

"God, Princess, come here." He says and I approach him until he wraps his arms around me, squeezing me softly and careful to not hurt me.

I hide my face in his chest and let my tears fall. His smell directly into my nose makes me feel safe and I feel like the happiest woman in the world. The Michael leans down and kisses me softly and tender, like he has only done a few times.

"Your lips feel like heaven..." he whispers keeping his eyes closed.

So he missed me?

"What happened?" He asks touching carefully my splint. "Give me the keys."

"I fell on the kitchen floor and my wrist got the worst part." I answer, handling him the keys to open my door. "Sorry if the apartment is a bit messy. I was doing some cleaning when this happened." He opens the door and waits for me to get in. I can't help but smile like an idiot.

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