Chapter 25: Waiting

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Christy gets crazy when she knows I'm the one going with Michael to the trip and arguments about it saying that I don't have the required expertise for it.

Suck it, bitch!

I call my mom to give her the news, so she won't worries about me if I don't answer her. She's happy about it and cheers me to do a great job. If she knew the background of the whole situation I bet I'll be locked in a room in my house.

On Monday morning, 5:00 am to be exact, Michael arrives at my house and helps me with my luggage. Rick is waiting in the car and takes us to the airport. I'm scandalized when I see a private jet waiting and that reminds me that he really is a wealthy man. Michael just laughs at my reaction when I enter the jet. Too much luxury blinds me.

This week we're going to stay in Puerto Rico. I'm excited to be there and also to spend time with Michael. He made reservations at the Ritz-Carlton, one of the best hotels there, so that's where we go after landing. He kept his promise to have separate rooms. My room is horrendously huge with a full sight of the beach. This thing even has a small pool in the terrace! We better take advantage of that, though...

After that little room tour, I lay down and then my phone rings. It's Michael.

"How's your suite, princess?"

"Hallucinating! This thing is like seven times bigger than my house."

Michael laughs softly. "I'm glad you liked it, but don't get too comfortable, I'll wait for you at the reception in thirty minutes."

I change to my formal outfit and sharply in thirty minutes, I'm walking towards Michael who is already waiting for me. But for my surprise, a disgusting one, I see Melanie Fisher standing by him, rubbing his arm and acting like a bitch in heat.

"Melanie just arrived... well you already know her." He smiles at me. I'm not sure is he is so naïve to not know that there's tension between her and I, or if he's acting like everything's fine to avoid an awkward moment. Whatever it is, none of them are working. And what bothers and pisses me more, is to know that something happened or is happening between them.

"Ms. Hoffman, Melanie came here from Munich to some of the meetings."

I just nod. He starts walking to the exit and I let him walk in front of me with her. Actually it's annoying to admit that he can make a good couple with her, because despite her being bitchy, she's very good looking. Her whole being screams elegance.

There's a black limousine waiting for us and I begin to feel a bit annoyed when I see he sits next to her and just forgets about me. Trying to ignore that, I leave any bad thought on the back of my mind and smile hypocritically to both of them while I see Michael watches Melanie mesmerized with her.

I need this day to be over soon...

Hours later, the meeting finishes longer than expected. I'm tired and exhausted, Michael looks the same but very serious with his brows knitting, while Melanie hasn't been other thing than stressful always whining about everything said at the meeting.

On our way back, Michael remains with that serious gesture. He asks me for some documents and discusses them with whiny witch, again making me feel like I'm invisible.

I'm dreaming with him getting in my bed tonight, but that beautiful dreams morphs into a nightmare when he talks to me.

"Ms. Hoffman, would you like to have dinner with me and Melanie?"

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