Chapter 30: Home

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That's the best right now.

When the plane lands, Robert is already waiting for me at the airport. He's the man that, with his wife, take care of Josh and my house when I'm not here.

Arriving at home, I see my mother, my sister and my nephew already waiting for me. When I get off the car, he runs to me and gives me a hug.

"Why did you take so long to come back?" Josh asks.

I kneel down, kissing his forehead and combing his hair.

"I had a lot of work."

After giving my mother and my sister a hug, I go upstairs to my room while they walk to the dining room. I put my luggage on my bed. I take out the tshirt.

During the flight it was my company and I couldn't take my eyes off Al's lips. I bring it closer to my face to smell it and smile. If she knew I sprayed her perfume on it so I could smell her scent here.

Maybe she thinks I'm a creep...

I haven't contacted her, and she hasn't contacted me either. And that's probably the best. I think we should go with our life paths, paths that are completely different.

"Uncle Michael, hurry!" I hear Josh standing at the door.

I fold the tshirt hiding Alejandra's lips, and put it in my nightstand drawer. Josh comes closer and he's going to ask something about it when I warn him.

"Don't touch it." I point him.

He nods, not saying anything else and then we walk downstairs to have dinner.

My mother, as always, she has a thousand of things to talk about and Janet, my sister, does the same. Josh and me just listen to them.

"So... how was America?" My mother asks.

"Good." I say that and immediately think about Alejandra.

"Brother, you might be an excellent boss, but your family communication skills are not your thing." Janet mocks.

I look at her serious, until I realize her comment sounds like something Al would say and I chuckle lowly.

"Are you laughing!?"

"Yes, Janet I'm laughing. I know how to laugh!"

Mother and Janet exchange looks looking startled.

"I knew that going there would be good for you, Michael" mother says.

"Indeed... he's got jokes now! You sure you're Michael?" Janet says laughing and touches my forehead. "Do you feel sick?"

"Ha ha ha. Funny." I try to stay serious but end up bursting with laughter and they too.

After some minutes talking and laughing, I see Josh is serious.

"I think you need to tell me something about school." I raise an eyebrow looking at him.

Janet and Mother usually take care of Josh when I'm not home. He's the son of my best friend, Susan, who died 3 years ago in a car accident. She was a single mother and had Josh when we were 17. When Josh was born, I gave him my last name. So he's a Jackson.

Susan's family is another thing. Her parents kicked her out for getting pregnant and my mother welcomed her in our house for a few months. She was like my twin.

When she died, I immediately took care of Josh and since then, we live together after I bought our house. It's only us in this big house.

Josh sometimes is hard to handle and he's only 9. Especially when I'm not around. I know my sister and my mother do her best but definitely there are time when he needs the heavy hand of a father. Although I'm not biologically, he's still my son.

"You're grounded. No Play and no phone for two weeks." I hiss.

"That's not fair!" Josh protests.

"Josh, whats not fair is that you still can't behave with your aunt and your grandma-..."

"Michael, don't be hard on him" Mother interrupts me.

"No mother, don't..." I turn to Josh again. "What happened with those exams? Josh you failed three!"

"I'm sorry..."

"If you keep that way, you're going to a boarding school and only be out on Christmas. Got it?" I say raising my voice.

"Got it." He nods

I know he's scared to go to a school like that. And I won't ever put him there, but a little threatening is not that bad. Once he finishes his food, looking mad, he says goodbye to us.

"Don't be mad with him. That's his way to call for your attention when you leave, Michael." Janet says defending him.

"No. He's old enough to behave and he has my attention always. And he already needs to know that I have to travel a lot. Josh needs to grow up."

My nephew is my life and I would do anything for him. Besides my whole family, Josh is my only family.

"Are you ready for the procedure?" Janet asks and I groan remembering it.

"Yeah..." I roll my eyes, feeling irritated.

"Don't roll your eyes, Michael Joseph! That's unbecoming and your sister is asking something for your own good." My mother scolds me.

"Mother... I know. I'm just stressed."

Janet, who is a doctor, explains me the procedure I need to have on my skin and eyes. At least it doesn't sounds painful. After everything's explained, they leave and I go upstairs to see Josh before he goes to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, I decide to go running for a while. I need to clear my head.

I need to stop thinking about a certain girl, that without my permission, has gotten slightly into my heart.

My princes...

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