Chapter 8: Gift

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Next morning, I walk straight to my office and go to the file room to get some carpets I need to work on. It's impossible not to think about what happened here yesterday. I've barely slept and my mind hasn't stopped thinking about Michael and our dinner.

I wonder where he spent the night

He's not here yet, so that gives me time to go get something to eat. I text Carlos and we go to the cafeteria with other colleagues. While we talk, I keep looking at the door hoping to see Michael get it. But he never comes. It disappoints me instantly so I try to finish my breakfast quickly to go to my desk.

Would he be in his office?

When I look at his office, I get disappointed again to see he isn't there either. I Want to bury myself in work, so I can stop thinking about him. I succeed after a while. My phone pings with some texts and none of them are from Michael. But my peace gets interrupted when a brainless blonde comes.

"Michael called. He says he isn't coming today because he is taking care of other business." saying this, she leaves.

So the motherfucker called her instead of me!

I start to work again. I'm not going to let him distract me. When he stops being a child who can't get a no for an answer, then we can talk. But I can't stop thinking about him and that makes me angry. I wish I could call him and tell him he's an idiot.

The day decides to just become worse than my already dark humor. It's raining when I finish work and I just want to get home, eat and watch something as tantamount as my mood. Probably a scary movie will do the work. But I can't even find something good to watch.

I'm still scrolling looking for a movie when my phone pings. A text from my sweet torment and my heart immediately beats fast. Finally he remembers me.

'Good evening, Ms. Hoffman. What are you doing?'

He must be delusional if he thinks I'm going to tell him what I'm up to. The audacity of not saying anything throughout the day and appearing out of nowhere in the night asking what I'm doing.

Fuck him.

'Good evening, Mr. Jackson'

'What are you doing?'

'I'm sure what I do and not do outside the office is not your concern, Sir'

Instead of texting he calls me. I'm not going to answer him. If I hear him I'll probably send him to eat shit. I know myself and if I don't contain myself I can say a thousand stupid things out of anger. But he doesn't stop calling. I turn off the phone.


The intercom starts ringing. Now what!?. I press the button to answer.

"Open the door." Michael says and he sounds angry as hell. Well, so am I.

"No, and please get out of here. We'll talk tomorrow at the office"

"Alejandra, just one minute, it's not for what you're thinking." Michael begging? Weird.

I let him in. Deep down I want to see him even if it's just to make me angrier. I wait for him at the door and see my clothes. Pink hoodie and jogger set, white socks with minions slippers. Sexy. I debate whether to change quickly or not, but I decide not to. He's the intruder and I'm not going to let him in anyway. Now a knock on the door is heard and I open the door.

He's here.

"Hey" he says with an apologetic smile. Almost looking like an angel. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something" I see him glancing quickly inside my apartment.

"Why are you here?" I snap.

"Wow. Straight to the point" he looks a bit wet from the rain "I just wanted to see you"

"Well, now you've seen me, you can leave. Good night." I say trying to close the door, but he stops me.

"Wait." He holds the door with one leg "I'm sorry for yesterday if I made you feel uncomfortable. That wasn't my plan"

"Okay. Apology accepted. Now leave" Again I try to close the door but this man is stronger than he looks.

So much for being slender.

"Wait wait, I have something for you" he hands me a little gift bag "I hope you like it"

"Thank you in advance, Mr. Jackson. But I don't want any gift from you" my head is about to explode.

"Just take it. If you want to throw it later then that's on you" he turns his sweet voice into a cold one. Here we go... 

"If I take it, would you leave?" I ask, but he only looks at me without saying anything.

"Yes." he says while huffing.

I take the bag and try to see what's inside but I can only see a box wrapped in plastic. Michael just keeps looking at me but, when he sees that I'm no longer putting force on the door, he opens it and stands in front of me.

"Take it as a truce from last night." he bends down and kisses my cheek. "You look comfy by the way" He smiles just millimeters from my face and stares into my eyes, until he looks at my lips and gives me a peck. "I'll see you tomorrow, princess. Enjoy your gift." and leaves.

This man.

When I close the door, I immediately unwrap the plastic of the box. What the fuck... It's a shaped lipstick vibrator. I want to tell him a thousand things and none of them are pretty. So I take my phone to turn it on and send him a text but when it's on, I already have messages from him.

'Perfect size and discreet to carry in your bag'

I'm going to answer but another text comes up

'Also, that headband with maleficent horns look sexy on you'

I look in the living room mirror and see that I have the stupid headband I use to do my skincare. That makes me laugh. With all the anger he made me feel during the day, he comes out with a stupid comment and wash the anger away.

He is going to kill me.  

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