Chapter 17: Proposal

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Two minutes later and breathing almost normally, Michael straightens up and sits on his seat pulling me onto his lap.

"Damn, I fucking missed you" he says lowly hugging my waist and kissing my shoulders.

"Likewise..." I still feel breathless.

"Let's get out of here. You know I have that meeting tomorrow with the other company, but I want you to go with me, with the difference that we're leaving now. Today and tomorrow, and make up for the lost time this weekend" he turns me to look at him. "It's early and it's not too far from here, just one hour away.  It's like our little escapade" the huge grin on his face is convincing me. I want to eat his face with kisses. 

If he knew how handsome he looks when he smiles like that.

"Are you crazy? We need to work"  I get up and take my pants. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, princess" he stands up and follows me. Thank God he has his own bathroom. "What do you think? Just one night out."

I clean myself, put on my pants and fix my clothes. He does the same. I'm washing my hands when I feel him staring at me. Looking up, I find a pair of eyes looking at me expectantly and a mischievous smile that insists on knowing what my answer will be.

He knows what he's doing.

"What about work today?" I ask, still looking at him through the reflection of the mirror.

"What about it? You will be out with your boss. What's the problem?" He leans on the wall behind me and folds his arms. "No ones going to punish you for that. In fact, I am going to punish you if you don't come with me." Michael's voice turns deep. I bite my lip just thinking about it.

Maybe I want to be punished...

"You have a point there, Mr. Jackson."

"So...?" Michael comes closer, pulling me towards him by my hips and kisses me on the neck. "Is that a yes?"

"What if I say no?" I play with his fingers and rub his hands on me. I love his strong hands and long fingers.

Squeezing my hips and then taking my hands, he holds them tightly and moves them to my back. His gaze changes from playful to serious. "I'll be at your apartment in one hour." Michael yanks my arms a bit and the pain in my arms is turning me on. "You have two options. Go and enjoy the day with me. Or, contradict me and you know that pisses me. Remember I'm your boss. Your choice, princess" He says that, putting his face close to my ear and then nibs my earlobe. His abuse of authority makes me angry but turns me on too.

I'm such an idiot. 

I remain silent without giving him an answer and I see the impatience on his face. Impatient, he holds my wrists with one hand and slides the other forward, opening the button of my pants with torturous slowness. "I'm waiting and my patience is not infinite." he slides down the zipper and shoves his hand inside my underwear pressing one finger on my bundle of nerves. "Choose."

"I'll be ready in one hour." I whisper

Michael takes his hand out and a smirk appears on his mouth. "Very wise, princess." He frees my wrists and kisses my head before going out and leaving.

I'm convinced I'm getting into a game I shouldn't be playing. But being so stubborn, I'll deal with the consequences later. With no time to waste, I grab my purse and go home. I pack some clothes quickly and change my work clothes for a casual one. I'll go with jeans and a white tshirt.

The intercom starts ringing and I see it's exactly one hour since we left work. I know it's him calling, so I don't answer. I want him to call again and piss him a little. Deep down I like to see him angry. Ten seconds later, he calls again.

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