Chapter 33: ASAP

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July 2nd.

Hours turn to days. Days turn to weeks. Weeks turn to months and I miss her...

I'm full recovered now. It's a torture to not being able to see or touch her in all this months but I can't wait any longer. The skin treatment is going well but I had to be the furthest from the sunlight or this thing wouldn't work. I want to see her, but I'm nervous.

Once she sees me again she will obviously notice something has changed on me. My skin color is a bit lighter.

Sounds so fucking odd

I wonder what's going to be her reaction? Would she still like me? And why the fuck do I care so much about what she thinks? Not that she's the only woman in this world or that I would die if she doesn't like me. I'm Michael Jackson. I can have any woman who I want.


The thing is that I keep getting reports from the detective every single day, letting me know what she's doing. She goes to work, goes to the gym, goes with her group of friends from the company and that's it. Selfish from me, but I like the fact that she hasn't seen anyone else after that encounter with that other man.

But what's very weird from all of this, is that I hadn't seen anyone either... I don't want to and I don't know if this is good or bad. Alejandra hasn't talked to me in all this months and I haven't contacted her.


I get a new report where she's at her moms house. Then I remember this is her vacation month. I see pictures of her dancing, laughing and having fun with her friends there, meanwhile I'm about to hit my head against the wall for not being by her side.

Wait a minute...

There's a guy in one picture who I know immediately that is Christopher. What the fuck is that imbecile doing near her now? And at her home town!? He better get away from her.

I call the detective again. I need to know more about this fucker. Where does he live and where does he work. Everything. I keep pacing around my office but I can't wait any longer for that information. Not that I can't wait, it's just...

... I don't want to wait!

For the first time in months, I grab my car keys and drive to my mother's house.

"Oh, my baby! It's so good to see you!" My mother's happy voice welcomes me. "Are you okay? Your head doesn't hurt, right?"

"I'm happy to see you too, mother." I give her a tight hug. "Don't worry I'm okay. I need to ask you for a favor, though..."

"What is it?"

"Can you please take care of Josh for like two weeks?" I ask her but her reaction is not the one I expected. "I need to go to America."

"Don't you have someone looking after the company for you?" She raises an eyebrow.

So now I can't go travel without asking for permission? What am I? 10?

"I have some meetings I didn't attend before and I can't delay them anymore. I think I can do them in two weeks. Will you help me?"

"Sure, son. Do you need something else?"

"Thanks, mother. Well uhm... I was thinking you could have Josh to-..."

"Michael Jackson. Don't give me advice on how to raise a kid, when I raised 9!" She interrupts me.


"Mother nothing! Josh might be difficult sometimes but he hears me, not like you, huh..."

"Okay, okay! Don't yell at me. If you need something, just call me." I give her another hug and she hugs me back.

"Go do your things. We'll be okay. And please, take care and don't expose yourself to the sun." She grabs my face and kisses my face.

"Yes, mother... and I know I have to use a lot of sunscreen." I chuckle rolling my eyes.


Probably I'll be in my forties and she'll still see me as her baby. After a while with her and picking up Josh to drop him at her house, I call my private jet pilot to schedule our departure.

As soon as possible.

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