Chapter 21: It's Okay

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"Christopher... what... you?" I can't even formulate a coherent sentence as I stare at my ex-boyfriend. I can't believe he is here standing in front of me after all this time.

"Surprise, honey" he says smirking.

He looks older, but still so handsome and charming as always. Christopher was my first boyfriend. We were together from when we were 14 until we turned 21 and each of us decided to go our separate ways after he cheated on me. It hurt me but at that point in our relationship we were more like friends than a couple, actually, so I moved on quickly and we finished things on good terms.

"Alejandra Hoffman, never thought I'd see the day to meet you again" he chuckles.

"I'm speechless" I laugh nervously. "I mean I'm glad to see you too but... What are you doing here? You're supposed to be-..."

"In Germany? Oh honey, I think we have a lot to talk about." he smiles.

Honey... He used to call me that.

"Oh, you moved back to America?" I ask curious.

"Yep. But let me invite you a drink so we can talk properly, come on..." he glances around us "... unless you're here with someone..."

"Yeah, I'm here with a friend"

"Just a friend?" Christopher squints his eyes smiling at me.

"Just a friend. He's outside right now"

"Okay, then you can come with me while he gets back" he pulls me to the bar.

"Are you here by yourself?" my curiosity is beyond the roof. I haven't known anything about him in all these years. Not even on his social media, plus he's not the kind of guy that keeps posting.

"Believe me or not, I'm here by myself. I'm only in the city for work and they say this is the best place to have fun at night, so here I am." I'm still in shock. "You're scaring me because you're not saying anything" I can't believe he's in front of me.

It's Christopher!

"Sorry, I'm just shocked to see you!" I smile and take the bar menu to order my drink.

"God, you haven't changed at all... you're even more beautiful" he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Tell me about you first... What are you doing here? Do you live here?"

"Oh no, I'm here for work too. I live in another city, but I moved from our town too."

"Alejandra Hoffman, moved from her moms house? To another city!? Who are you?" he asks with fake concern and laughs.

"Ha ha. Very funny" I slap his arm playfully. "I did, just two months ago. I got a good job and I'm a grown woman now." I say proudly.

Although this new change has been difficult for me, it has gone better than I expected. Besides, I cannot deny that Michael's company has helped me a lot to get used to my new life.

"I'm so happy about that, honey" he smiles rubbing my arm. "Now I want to be nosy, but... is there someone special in this new city?"


That question catches me by surprise. What should I say? That I have a casual relationship with my boss, for whom I'm starting to feel things that I shouldn't and that we fuck every time we see each other? Definitely not.


"So this friend you're with tonight isn't serious?" he asks, raising one eyebrow.

"He's my boss. We wanted to do something on our last night here" I try to look somewhere else, trying to look for Michael.

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