Chapter 12: Look at me

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The meeting is about to start. The door opens allowing all the executives and those from other companies to enter as well. This is an important meeting. Suddenly, the door opens again and a not so tall man next to a beautiful woman gets in. Every single man here is drooling over the stunning woman who just arrived. And Michael is obviously not left behind.

Maybe today is the day to torture me with blondes or something? I didn't get the memo. 

"Melanie! It's good that you could come. Long time no see" Michael says with too much enthusiasm standing up to give her a kiss. 

"I'm happy to see you too, Michael. Well, I needed to be here or else you would fire me. That's what your text said" she smirks with a flirtatious tone. I don't like this. 

They keep talking and Michael  presents her to the group. After that, we all go to our chairs. I take the furthest one from Michael. As soon as he sees that I'm not closer to him, he looks at me seriously. 


The meeting is going well, but my mood is getting worse. My head can't stop thinking about everything that happened this morning. And the little glances between Michael and Melanie irritate me even more. If there's nothing happening between these two, then certainly it happened before, but the chemistry is still there. 

At one point, someone mentions Michael's dad and his face changes. With a harsh but polite tone, he tells the executive to please not mention his name again.

Didn't he liked his father? 

My phone vibrates with a text.

'Ms. Hoffman, your mouth is driving me crazy, but I don't like your serious face. Btw: you are the sexiest woman in the meeting.'

Without raising my head, I see him through my eyelashes.

'Dear Mr. Jackson, I would appreciate it if you would let me work in peace.' 

'Are you angry with me? Also, that suit looks spectacular on you. Makes me want to take it off of you right here'

I sit back in my chair just thinking about his words and what he wants to do. I try to focus on the meeting but I can't. Avoiding his gaze so he doesn't see that he made me smile, I bite the pen in my hand and lower my head. But my phone gets another text.

'Your choice. If you don't answer my last question in five minutes, I'll stop the meeting.'

My eyes widen instantly and look at him. I smile at him not believing he would do such a thing and he just stares at me looking pissed. When is he not pissed? I answer him back.

'You wouldn't.'

'Dare me.'

That damn phrase again. My only response is to look at him again, knowing he won't do it, but suddenly he stands up.

"Excuse me, I just received an extremely important email. A problem I must solve now" he says, while looking at me. "Would you all, please, be so kind as to leave me alone for a few minutes with my assistant? And please no one interrupt. She will let you know when we are done."

I want do die. Is he crazy?

Everyone begins to leave the meeting room, and the last one is Melanie, who before leaving, turns to see me and then looks at Michael touching his shoulder but he doesn't even flinch because he keeps staring at me.

"Come here."  he says, closing his laptop and putting it aside.

"Why did you do that?" but he only keeps staring at me, now smiling. "How could you stop the meeting, Michael?

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