Chapter 48

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 at Bonnie's house 

Bonnie: woah you two are here now

Elena: yeah something came up so

Bonnie: I know Ally text me

Elena: about what exactly?

Bonnie: about Tyler being a jerk

Elena: oh ok

Stefan: so Bonnie where is your dad?

Bonnie: he is coming in the morning.

Elena: ok but you got any clue where we are going?

Bonnie: nope

Elena's phone goes off

Elena ignored it

Stefan knew who it was

Bonnie: something feels off about the two of us.

Elena: what do you mean Bonnie?

Bonnie: you two want to do something?

Elena: umm

Bonnie: Elena spill do I need to call Ally?

Stefan: well there is a sort of other way to get married as a vampire. Well, I'm stupid and didn't tell Elena about it until today. Well, we have two of the parts already. And well the one part is the issue. We wanted to wait a few days then maybe do it.

Bonnie: what is the last part then?

Elena: we both have flip switches at the same time. Then we need all of you to bring one of us back then we can help the other one. Yes, you can use magic if need be. Damon will explain his sort of plan on it.

Bonnie: But Elena

Stefan: it was my doing Bonnie I was going to wait until we got married the human way to tell her.

Bonnie: wow

Elena: yeah we just have to let our sibling know when we want to do it.

There was a knock at the door

Bonnie went to see who it was

Bonnie: what does he want?

Elena: dang it he is probably tracking my phone

Bonnie: I got Elena to tell him I have your phone because there are pictures on it I wanted.

Elena: that work

Elena and Stefan went to hide upstairs in Bonnie's room

Bonnie: hi Tyler

Tyler: hey I tracked Elena's phone to you have her phone?

Bonnie: yeah I'm getting all the information off it and it's going to take some time too. Im able to do it while I'm traveling with my dad.

Tyler: when are you leaving?

Bonnie: tomorrow

Tyler: oh ok

Tyler left Bonnie shut the door

Elena and Stefan came down the stairs

Elena: ugh

Bonnie: Don't tell one of the two that while you have no emotions you are going to kill Tyler now.

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