Chparer 47

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At the Gilbert's house

Damon comes back with the spell

Bonnie: Thanks

Elena: once we are sort of dead call Tyler Ally and Damon will be hiding. And then get Caroline to fake being upset to make it believable

Bonnie: I told her I would need her to fake being upset

Elena: ok

Damon: are we ready?

Elena held Stefan's hand

Elena: yeah we are ready

Bonnie did the spell to make Elena and Stefan sort of die for a bit

They fell and tuned gray-looking 

Damon: woah it worked

Bonnie: yeah

Ally: we got to hide

Ally and Damon hide in the gaming room

Bonnie called Tyler first

Over the phone

Bonnie umm my powers took over and umm did a thing. Come to Elena's house

Tyler ok?

A few minutes later Tyler showed up

Bonnie opened the door

Tyler walked in and saw what Bonnie was talking about

Tyler: Bonnie how could you do that to them

Bonnie: I didn't know my powers were going to act up like that. we were talking then I lost control out of nowhere without writing.

Tyler: We got tell care it will upset her

Bonnie: Tyler we can't do that

Tyler: we have to bonnie

Bonnie: ok

Bonnie called Caroline to come to the house

A few minutes Caroline showed up

Caroline walked into the house a bit and saw them and lost it

Tyler didn't know what to do

Bonnie: Ally and Damon can't know about this. They will flip their switches

Tyler: we got to hide the body then

Bonnie: crap we got to tell Jeremy

Tyler: he is at the boarding house

Bonnie: Caroline?

Caroline: I can't believe it they are gone

Tyler: it's okay care I'm sure they are in heaven

Caroline: yeah but I was going to tell Elena something

Tyler left upset and in shock

Bonnie closed the door

Caroline: ugh

Bonnie: you ok?

Caroline: are they dead?

Bonnie: gosh no care

Damon and Ally came out with blood bags for them

Elena wakes up first

Elena: ugh never again ok that was too real for me it was like the car crash all over again sort of

Stefan wakes up

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