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Kara stood looking over the rolling hills outside her house. She'd been living here for the past four years and it still hadn't begun to feel like home. However nothing felt like home for her in the past four years. Not since that day at L Corp. She had gone to see Lena to see how she was doing since she learned her secret.

Flash Back:

Kara raced towards Lena's office lunch in hand. Opening the door she saw Sam sitting behind Lena's desk. "Kara! What brings you here?" Sam asked. "Where's Lena?" Kara replied with her own question. "Gone." Sam replied. "Where?" Kara asked. "Metropolis...she left two weeks ago." Sam replied. "Oh...she didn't say anything to me..." Kara replied. "She told me to tell you...it's because you lied to her. She gave up hope on you ever introducing her to Alura...so she left town." Sam replied. Kara didn't say another word. Instead she just turned on her heel dropping the fast food bag and left.

Sam felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Kara! Wait!" Sam yelled out but it was too late the blonde was gone. Sam quickly pulled her phone out and texted Lena just as she looked out the window to see the blonde walking down the street. "Hey Sam... I'm sorry she just left on you. Did she say anything else?" Sam read the message before responding.

S: "No she just walked out and disappeared."

L: "Well it's not your fault Sam. It's Kara's! She should have told me she had an infant daughter! I wouldn't have been upset! It wouldn't have changed the way I feel..felt for her."

S: "I'll call Alex see if she knows where Kara's headed."

L: "Ok! Let me know where she ends up please..."

S: "Will do! Bye Lee!"

L: "Bye Sam!"

Kara went back to her apartment called Cat Grant and told her 'yes' to the one question Cat Grant had asked her three weeks ago. Cat was opening a smaller Cat Co in Ireland and wanted Kara to become the CEO of it. It came with a house and car. And everything Kara and Alura could want or need.

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