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The door was easy enough to bust in, Maggie quickly made her way through the house ransacking the place. She grabbed her can of kerosene and began dumping it everywhere. Little did she know that everything she was doing was being recorded via live stream. Kara was the one who noticed what was happening and immediately called the Irish Police to go remove Maggie from their home. "Is it being taken care of?" Lena asked. "They're at our house now." Kara replied. "Good. I just can't believe she'd stoop this low to destroy our home." Lena sighed. "I don't know but whatever she's done...she'll be going away for a long time." Kara said. "Let's not tell everyone till we know more. And we can't tell our daughter." Lena said. "Agreed. Come on let's get downstairs."

Meanwhile back in Ireland Maggie's just been caught and now is being dragged out by the house kicking and screaming about how Lena stole Kara from her. "Oh shut it ya stupid bitch!" One female officer shouted as she shoved Maggie into a van. "SHE STOLE HER FROM ME! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MEEE!" Maggie yells out as the van pulls into the road. "Where are we taking her?" Another police officer asked. "Loughan House. Mrs. Luthor-Danvers has personally requested that prison specifically. And she's requested that she be sentenced to the highest penalty possible." The officer stated. "Noted." The other officers replied.

Back in the cabin everyone is now up and enjoying a large grilled breakfast cooked by Sam and Alex. "So whats on everyone's agenda today?" Eliza asked. "We actually have to talk to everyone about something...so could one of you keep Alura company down by the lake?" Lena asked. Alex stood up knowingly and walked over to her niece. "Come on kid I'm gonna teach you how to catch a fish." Alex said. "Are mommy and momma coming?" Alura asked. "We'll be down in a few minutes darling. We've got to help Aunt Sam and grandma clean up." Kara said.

Alrua nodded as she followed Alex out the door. Once they were out of ear shot Kara began telling everyone else what had happened over the past few hours at their home in Ireland. "So she'll be in a prison over there?" Eliza asked. "Yes. For a long time to come. On another note...Lena and I have discussed something else too." Kara added. "And what's that?" Sam asked. "We've decided to stay here at the lake house permanently." Lena exclaimed. "WHAT! Really?" Eliza and Sam exclaimed!

"Yes! We were talking about it last night and we've decided that this is it for us. We'll have to go back to Ireland to set up new CFO's in L Corp and Cat Co but thats it. We'll have our stuffed moved as soon as everything there is cleaned and we've tied up loose ends." Kara explained. "That's wonderful news!" Eliza said as she and Sam pulled them into a group hug. "Now let's go tell Alex and Alura." Lena said as she took Kara's hand and headed outside.

Alex and Alura were standing on the dock fishing in the early morning sunlight when Kara and Lena arrived. "Alex, Alura...we have some good news." Lena said. "What is it momma?" Alura asked. "Mommy and I were talking last night and we decided to stay here in the lake house permanently!" Lena said. "REALLY!" Alura squealed.  "Yes darling! We'll be living here forever." Kara replied with a smile. "YASSSS!" Alura yelled out. "That's great news! Now what was the other news?" Alex asked. Lena and Kara shared a look. "Sweetheart, why don't you show me what Auntie Alex taught you?" Lena asked. "Ok momma." Alura replied.

Alex and Kara walked back towards the house away from ear shot. Kara went on to explain what Maggie was doing and how she'd be rotting away in one of Ireland's toughest prisons for life. Alex was taken aback at what she was hearing but she was glad that Maggie was out of their lives now for good. "And now you'll be closer to everyone. So our children will all be able to grow up together." Alex said as they returned to Lena and Alura.

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