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Thanks to Kara's super speed everything in Lena's condo that Lena wanted was moved into Kara's condo and put away. Now Kara was in the kitchen making a pasta dish while Lena was with Alura hanging up some pictures they had framed. "I like this momma!" Alura explained as she looked at one of the first pictures Lena and Kara took together. "Me too darling. This was the first game night I spent with your mommy. And it was the night that I realized I was in love with her. Come on now darling, I think mommy has supper almost ready let's go set the table shall we?" Lena stated. Alura nodded as they headed into the kitchen.

A few minutes later the table was set and Kara was finishing up dinner. "Dinners ready!" Kara stated. Lena got up and fixed Alura's plate first before getting a cup out and putting some juice in it for the young girl. Kara poured herself and Lena a glass of wine before fixing their plates. "Did you have fun today sweetheart?" Kara asked. "Yes mommy I did." Alura replied. "Good I'm glad." Kara replied. After dinner Lena started the dishwasher while Kara got Alura ready for bed.

When Lena got to the bedroom to tell the little girl goodnight she heard Kara tell her that she had to go to sleep since she had tutoring in the morning. "Good night darling." Kara whispered as she  kissed her forehead. "Good night momma! Good night mommy!" Alura replied. "Good night sweetheart! We love you!" Lena whispered as she kissed the little girls forehead. They slipped out of the room and headed to their bedroom.

"She's such an angel." Lena said as they stood in the bathroom doing their nightly routine together. "Yes she is. I'm glad you're apart of our family now Lee." Kara stated. "Me too Kara...me too. Are you ready for bed?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and they got into their bed. Lena lay her head on Kara's chest and Kara wrapped her arms around her before kissing her gently and shutting their eyes.

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