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Later that afternoon Kara and Lena were just finishing up putting the furniture in their spots. "So are you all set for Saturday? We never got your outfit..." Lena stated as they sat on the sofa eating pizza. "Oh...Alex is dropping it off ...now.." Kara stated as in walked Alex with a black garment bag. Lena eyed the black garment bag closely as Alex disappeared with it into the master bedroom. "Can't I even get a peek?" Lena asked. "Saturday you cans see it." Kara replied. "Ugh...fine.." Lena replied rolling her eyes. "Sooo? When did you two get back together?" Alex asked. "Who said we got back together?" Kara asked. "No one...but if and when you do can you tell me when it happens...first?" Alex asked. "Did you and Sam make a bet on us?" Lena asked. Alex opened and shut her mouth slowly. "Noo0..ugh yes! And I want to win!" Alex grumbled.

Kara stood up and walked Alex out and shut the door. "If I'm not home Sunday morning...then you'll know what you want.." Kara whispered. Alex smirked and left. "Everything ok?" Lena asked from her spot on the large sofa. "Yea, I just had to give her something for picking up my stuff." Kara replied with a smile. "Oh ok...so what would like to do now?" Len asked looking at the blonde as she sat down beside her. "Wanna watch a movie?" Kara asked grabbing another box of pizza. "Sure! There's a new movie on Netflix we can check out....unless you don't have...you already got Wi-Fi setup huh?" Lena asked. "Yea it was set up this morning." Kara replied laughing.

A few minutes went by and Lena found the movie and hit play. The woman relaxed against the sofa leaning into each other. "So? What will you do with your child free night?" Lena asked. "Dunno? Probably stay up watch some movies, eat more pizza...hang out with my neighbor...pass out on the sofa." Kara replied with a smile. "Oh...so you just think this neighbor will hang out with you all night?" Lena asked teasingly.

"Well if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to...it's her choice. I won't tie her up or anything..." Kara replied with smirk. Lena began to blush. "Ohh...um..." Lena stuttered. Kara burst out laughing at the dark haired woman. "So? What do you say? Wanna hang out with a single mom....on a child free night?" Kara asked. "Why not! I don't have to anything else to do." Lena replied with a smile.

As the movie night went on Lena found herself leaning into Kara more and more until she was almost on top of her. Kara smiled as she looked at Lena now sitting on her lap. They'd been watching a horror move now and Lena was visibly scared by it. Kara snaked her arms around her and held her against her chest. When Lena turned her head into Kara's neck at a particularly scary scene she wrapped her arms around Kara's neck tugging at her. "Want me to shut it off?" Kara whispered. "No..." Lena replied softly. "Ok..." Kara replied with a smile.

Once the movie was over both women were yawing more and more frequently. "Come on...let's get you to bed..." Kara whispered. "Ok..." Lena replied with a smile. "I've got some clothes you can borrow." Kara stated as they walked to the master bedroom. Kara passed Lena some pajamas and she went to the bathroom to change while Kara changed in the bedroom. Why Lena came out Kara was pulling a baggy shirt over herself. Lena stopped and looked at the blondes rippling muscles of her back as she adjusted the shirt.

Kara turned around and smiled at Lena before getting into the bed. "Comfortable isn't it?" Kara asked. "Yes. It's very comfortable." Lena replied as she slid into bed. Kara pulled her into her arms as they lay down against the fluffy pillows. "Good night Lee." Kara whispered. "Good night Kar." Lena replied.

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