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Two months later Kara was preparing to make her public announcement of the changes to Cat Co. At the same time Lena was preparing a similar announcement about L Corp. It was now Monday morning the day of the press conference. Alura was busy with her tutor so Kara could focus on everything else. "Alura! Mommy's off to do her announcement with Momma. Be good ok." Kara cooed. "Yes mommy!" Alura replied.

A few hours later the stage was set up in the park and Kara and Lena stood behind the curtain patiently waiting to make their speeches. "Are you nervous?" Lena whispered. "Not at all. Are you?" Kara replied. "No. I know I can get through anything with you by my side. " Lena replied. "And now let us welcome the CEO dream team Miss Lena Luthor and Miss Kara Danvers!" The announcer exclaimed.

Together they walked out holding hands as they walked to the podium. "Thank you everyone for coming here today! We are pleased to announce some new changes to L Corp and Cat Co. The first major change is that there will be equal time off for all couples who are having babies! It will not matter your sexual orientation or marital status. If both partners work at the work at either company they will have the same amount of time off with full pay included." Kara stated. The crowd went wild with clapping and cheers.

Lena then stepped up to the podium and began speaking. "Thank you! Everything my girlfriend has just explained these new changes will take place in the coming weeks. Along with those changes there will be more changes to come, including longer lunch breaks for every employee and every new employee including interns and assistants will get full benefits along with a two week paid vacation." Lena explained. Again the whole crowd cheered and clapped.

Kara rejoined Lena at the podium and they began taking questions from the press. After the questions were answered Lena and Kara took their leave from the stage and quickly got into the waiting black suv. "That went well!" Kara stated. "Indeed it did!" Lena replied. "I'm glad we made those changes, before moving to Ireland." Kara added. "Me too darling. Now we can consecrate on finishing things here up before we leave next month." Lena added as she leaned into Kara's embrace.

A few minutes later both women were home again. Alura was still in with her tutor so that left Kara and Lena alone. "Let's prepare some lunch." Lena suggested. Kara nodded and the headed into the kitchen together. A half hour later Alura was finished with her tutor and came bounding out into the kitchen. "Momma! Mommy! I'm done for today!" Alura squealed as she jumped into Kara's arms. "That's wonderful darling! I'm so proud of you!" Kara replied. "Whats for lunch momma?" Alura asked looking at Lena. "We made chicken sandwiches with your favorite pickles and sauce!" Lena replied. "Yess!" Alura replied as she wiggled out of Kara's arms. "I'll see you tomorrow Alura!" The tutor called out as she left the condo.

After lunch Kara, Lena and Alura began talking about the upcoming move. "And we're have a small party to send us off with Auntie Alex and Auntie Sam and grandma!" Kara explained. "Will there be pizzas?" Alura asked. "Only if we can convince mommy to make us some." Lena whispered. "Oh I think I may be able to be persuaded...if you come give me a hug!" Kara replied with a smile. Alura ran over to Kara and gave her a tight hug and peppered her face with kisses. "Is that enough perswadion?" Alura asked. "Yes...it is!" Kara giggled. Lena smiled at the sight.

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