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Lena left to go home and change but promised she'd come back later to have dinner with everyone. On the way back to her condo Lena kept thinking how she'd lost Kara now. 'And to a fucking detective! Of all people! God I am so fucking stupid!' She scoffed as she walked inside her condo kicking her shoes off she walked to the cabinet and poured herself a glass of scotch and drank it down. After a few more glasses she wandered to the bathroom where she stripped down and turned on the shower.

Meanwhile Kara and Maggie had just arrived at the first condo a four bedroom four bathroom with a large open space kitchen and living room with a large balcony that over looked the park. "It's huge!" Kara whispered as they walked a few feet behind the realtor. "Just picture it! You and your lovely wife here siping your coffee while watching the sunrise!" The woman stated. "We're not married!" Kara exclaimed. "Oh..I am sorry, I just assumed you two were together. Since you asked for a condo with room for a child to play in." The woman stated. "Yea, my kid. I'm a single parent. Maggies just a friend." Kara stated. "Yea! Just friends!" Maggie replied looking away.

The realtor continued with the tour going from room to room before stepping out to let Kara and Maggie look alone. Kara walked back to the master bedroom and looked around it again this time using her X-ray vision to look at the plumbing. "Look ok Kar?" Maggie asked. "The plumbing is in order and there aren't any termites." Kara replied. "It's a new build Kara, it has to be up to code." Maggie replied shaking her head at the blonde. "Mags..I'm sorry about earlier..." Kara said looking at her. "It's fine Kara...really." Maggie replied.

Kara knew better than but she wasn't gonna say anything. "This tub is huge! I could do laps in this thing!" Kara stated looking at the large bathtub. "I could see that Kara...until Alura decided she likes this tub better than her own." Maggie replied with a smile. "I don't think so the tub in every room is like this. She'll just be glad to have a big bedroom and that climbing wall. She'll go bananas over it." Kara said chuckling.

Kara walked over to the bed and sat on it. "Uh..I have four more to see. But I do like this one." Kara stated. "Well, let's go check the rest out first. Then you can decide, over lunch?" Maggie asked. "Sounds good to me Sawyer! Let's go." Kara stated as she stood up and walked towards the front door. "I'm gonna think on this and give my decision by the end of the day." Kara stated looking at the realtor. "Works for me! Shall we go to the next listing?" She asked.

Kara got into the back of the suv with Maggie while the realtor drove off to the next destination. "I'm gonna call Eliza to check on Alura." Kara stated. Maggie nodded in response and began thinking. She had to come up with a way to show Kara that she was everything she needed in a partner. She loves Alura as her own. She is in love with Kara. And she wanted to be apart of their day to day life. She wanted it in for the long haul. "Eliza has Alura at one of those trampoline parks. Says she's having a wonderful time and even made a friend." Kara stated smiling at Maggie. "That's wonderful! She needs some more friends. Even though you'll only be here for a few months." Maggie stated.

"I'm not sure about that actually. The main office needs some serious work before I can return to Ireland. So I may be here a little longer than originally planned. Either way I'm gonna set up a private tutor for Alura so she can keep up her grades for when we return." Kara replied. "A personal tutor? Really Kara? That's expensive! Why not put her in a gifted school here?" Maggie asked. "I know...I know...but the schools here don't take gifted four year olds. Nor do any of them teach Irish Gaelic. Which is another language she's been learning. So yes the private tutor." Kara replied. "Oh ok...I understand now. Well maybe we can hang out during your stay if you want that is?" Maggie asked. "Sure! I'm sure Alura would love that." Kara replied.

"Yea..I'm sure..." Maggie replied softly. "What is it Mags?" Kara asked looking at her. "It's nothing...I just thought we could hang out alone. Just have some adult time like we did when Alura was a baby. Just the two of us eating our weight in Chinese food watching horrible television shows." Maggie explained. "Oh! Of course Mags! We can do that! I can an arrange a few nights where Alura goes to Alex and Sam's place. I mean when I'm not hanging out with Lena...I made plans to do that too while I'm here." Kara replied.

"Of course..." Maggie stated. "I know what she did. But she wants to try to be friends again. I told her that was ok but we had to take things slow because I don't want Alura getting attached and getting hurt." Kara explained. "Kar, I understand! Really. Let's go check this place out shall we?" Maggie asked as the car stopped. "Yea! Let's go see if we can get mistaken for wives again Mags." Kara teased. "Yea..." Maggie replied.

The ride up the elevator was quite no one spoke a word until the doors opened and they were greeted by Lena standing in the hallway. "Lee? What are you doing here?" Kara asked. "I live here Kara...I couldn't get my old penthouse back so I move in there." Lena said pointing to the door next to the one Kara was gonna check out. "What are you doing here?" Lena asked. "Come to check out the place next to yours apparently. Wanna come along with us? Unless you have other plans?" Kara asked looking into the green eyes of the woman who stole her hart. "Sure! I can tell you my experience living here." Lena replied as she linked arms with Kara pulling her along into the open door.

Maggie watched on with a growl escaping her throat. "So if this place is anything like mine you'll love it Kara." Lena coed. "The first one was nice but it was out of my price range by a little." Kara replied. "Where was it?" Lena asked. Kara passed her the print out and Lena gasped at the price. "Kara! This is out of my price range! How much does a CEO of Cat Co International Media make?" Lena asked teasingly. "I make enough to move here for a while and hire a personal tutor for Alura." Kara replied.

"A private tutor? Is that because the gifted schools don't accept four year olds?" Lena asked. "Yea and cause Alrua's learning Irish Gaelic too. So I want someone to keep up her studies with that." Kara explained. "She's learning Gaelic? Really? Maybe I could help her study it sometime? If it's ok with you of course." Lena replied. Maggie watched them interact together and her stomach twisted into knots. She didn't say anything she just turned around and walked away leaving the building and hailing a cab to take her home. She knew now it was pointless to even peruse Kara. She could never be as perfect as Lena Luthor.

Half way through the tour Kara turned to look for Maggie. "Mags? Maggie?" Kara called out. "She left Miss Danvers. Said she got called into work." The realtor stated. "Oh..ok then..." Kara replied. "I'll give you and your friend a minute." The realtor replied as she walked out. Kara looked around the space slowly once more. It had everything she wanted. The open floor plan, the large bedrooms, six of them to be exact, a large kitchen, plenty of bathrooms and a bonus room she could use as an office while making one of the bedrooms as a play slash school room for Alura.

"What do you think Kara?" Lena asked. "Honestly? I'm thinking this is perfect. I can use the bonus room here for my office, and one of the spare rooms for Alura's school room slash playroom. And the open concept is amazing! I don't need to see anything else. This is what I'll be buying." Kara stated. They called for the realtor and Kara signed the paperwork. "I can have the key's delivered tomorrow morning." The realtor stated. "Wonderful!" Kara replied happily. "I'll be off then Miss Danvers." The realtor stated as she left.

"What now?" Lena asked. "Well I was gonna grab lunch with Maggie but she's gone. So I guess I'll go join my daughter and mother at the trampoline park instead. And grab something on the go." Kara replied. "Or...we could go have lunch together, then to the trampoline park...if you want company that is?" Lena asked. "That sounds nice! But I don't think you're dressed for a trampoline park." Kara said looking at Lena's skirt and heels. "Oh..you're right. I'll go change quickly..you can come in if you want." Lena replied as she opened her door. Kara walked into the condo and looked around. It was very Lena ish. Very posh, very clean, very white.

Kara sat on the couch and waited for Lena to change. She examined her outfit, shorts, sneakers, and a tanktop. A low cut tank top at that. 'Rao Kara! No wonder Lena's been staring at you!' She groaned to herself. "All set?" Lena asked pulling the blonde from her thoughts. "Yea! Lee, you could use some color in here. Maybe some blue maybe." Kara stated as they left the condo.

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