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The gala was a buzz with activity when they entered the ball room. All eyes shifted towards the doorway and landed on Kara and Lena walking in arm in arm. Kara looked around the room and quickly saw Sam and Alex over by the appetizer table. "Relax darling. Everyone here is merely jealous that I have the most beautiful woman on my arm tonight." Kara whispered to Lena as they walked through the crowd of people, cameras flashed in their faces as they made their way to mingle with people. One said person made her way through the crowd all on her own. "Kara Danvers! I'm very happy to see you are back in town! And with Miss Luthor as your date, I see you two have patched things up?" Cat Grant asked. "It's good to see you too Cat. And indeed we have. How have you been? How is retirement treating you?" Kara asked. "Retirement...thats for old people! How is your daughter doing?" Cat asked. "She's great! She's with my mom right now though." Kara replied. "Ah well I'll be in town for a few days. You'll have to bring her in so I can see her." Cat added. "And Miss Luthor, how are you doing?" Cat asked looking at the dark haired woman.

"Never better Cat. Excited to see what the future holds for Kara and myself." Lena replied. "Ah yes...Kara has been doing an amazing job holding down both branches. Has she told you that shes planning on buying out 'The Daily Planet'. It's been dropping with its hits since Clark Kent and Lois Lane departed." Cat added. "No she hasn't. But that sounds like an excellent business opportunity." Lena replied as she squeezed Kara's hand. "Well I won't keep you, I'm sure you two have mingling to do." Cat stated before she walked off to talk to other people.

"So? The Daily Planet?" Lena asked. "Nothing's in stone yet. I've just dropped a hefty offer on the table." Kara replied with a smile. "Come on, let's get some food in you before you have to make your speech." Lena replied as they walked over to the food tables. "Kara! You look hot in that suit!" Sam exclaimed eying the blonde. "Maybe I picked the wrong Danvers sister..." Sam added. "Oh no you didn't! Stop drooling over my sister!" Alex groaned pulling her away. Lena chuckled at their antics. "Whats funny?" Kara asked. "Sam hitting on you and Alex freaking out about it...I mean...it is funny...especially since you clearly came with me...unless you had alternate motives." Lena teased. Kara leaned in close and whispered. "But I do have alternative motives...you're just apart of them." Kara replied.

After they made their rounds of mingling it was time for Kara to make her speech thanking  everyone for coming and reminding them to donate to the multiple charities that were showcased there. Then dancing and eating happened Kara and Lena enjoyed their time before Kara takes her by the hand and takes her outside to the gardens. "Kara...what are we doing here?" Lena asked. "I brought you out here to have some alone time...and to ask you if you'd like to be my girlfriend." Kara asked as they stood underneath the fairy lights. "Oh my goodness! Really? Are you serious?" Lena asked. "Of course I'm serious darling. I mean if you still want that..that is.." Kara replied. "Of course I do!" Lena replied happily. "Good! Let's go back in and dance shall we?" Kara asked as she took Lena by the hand and walked back into the hotel.

The music began playing as Kara led Lena to the center of the dance floor. Wrapping her arms around Lena Kara began swaying to the music. Slowly everyone began dancing along with them. As another slow song played Kara took the opportunity to lean in and kiss Lena hard on the mouth. 'Ohhhs and awe's were heard around them as the kiss only deepened. Pulling apart slowly Kara whispered in Lena's ear and Lena nodded slowly.

The two of them left the gala early and returned to Lena's condo. Lena fumbled with her keys as Kara began kissing her neck. Once the door swung open they fell through the threshold together stumbling over to the couch where their heels came off quickly before Kara picked up Lena in her arms and carried her to the bedroom where they fell onto the bed in a huff. Slowly the dress came off along with Kara's suit. Lena looked at Kara in awe. "You're so beautiful! So incredibly beautiful!" Lena whispered. "Mmm so aren't you Lee....so beautiful!" Kara replied as she began kissing Lena's neck pulling moans from the dark haired woman's mouth.

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