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After spending most of the morning at the trampoline park everyone decided to go grab lunch together at a near by restaurant. "So you two just take off work for whatever?" Addison asked. "Well we are both CEO's of companies, and our CFO's are perfectly capable of handling a day without us." Kara replied. "Momma can I have the burrito?" Alura asked looking up at Lena. "Of course darling. You can have whatever you like." Lena replied. "Ok." Alura replied. "What can I get you ladies to drink?" The waitress asked. "We'll have cokes, and this little one will have a strawberry lemonade." Kara replied. One by one everyone ordered their drinks.

"Alura do you like it here in National City?" Joyce asked. "It's ok. It's not as cool as Ireland but mommy and momma's offices are nice." Alura replied. "You go to work with your moms?" Joyce asked. "Sometimes but now mommy is gonna be working from home so my tutor can teach me. Then when momma comes home we have dinner together and watch movies before bed." Alura replied. "When do you come back Alura?" Jamie's daughter Claire asked. "When mommy's done with her work here. That's when auntie Sam will work for momma so she can live with us." Alura replied.

Lena and Kara smiled at the children's discussion. "So do you two plan on having more kids in the future?" Addison asked. "Perhaps after we're married and all." Lena replied. Kara smiled and squeezed Lena's thigh. "What can I get you ladies to eat?" The waitress asked. This time it was Lena who ordered for their little family making sure to order Alura a burrito with extra cheese and salsa. When the food came everyone began eating in comfortable silence only talking going on was between the three little girls.

"So do you have left to do with Cat Co?" Jamie asked. "Just a few little things then I'm gonna do a press conference on all the changes...well we'll do a press conference together. That way when news of our relationship comes out people won't think that L Corp is gonna get good press because of Lena and I's relationship. And since we're setting some mutual changes for our companies it'll look better this way." Kara explained. "What sort of changes?" Addison asked.

"Well we both decided that we need to establish that no matter the relationship situation if a couple is having a baby  then both partners if they work for either company will have the same amount of time off for it. Which that being said Kara and I both agreed that if we both speak at the press conference it will show that we as being apart of the LGBT community are a force to be reckoned with." Lena replied. "I see. Two powerful lesbian CEO's working for the greater good. Now when you leave for Ireland who'll be in charge at L Corp?" Addison asked. "Sam will be, and Jess will be the CFO and will work in Metropolis, so when Sam and Alex come to visit us Jess will work as a stand in CEO." Lena explained.

"I see." Addison replied. "Momma..." Alura whispered. "Yes darling?" Lena replied. "I gotta use the potty." Alura replied. Lena nodded as she stood up from the table and took Alura's hand before walking towards the bathroom at the back of the restaurant. "Lena's so wonderful with her! You got lucky Kara!" Jamie stated. "Thank you Jamie, I know I did. I remind myself of it everyday. Lena dotes on her all the time, after you all left the birthday party she brought in her childhood doll house for her to have. Alura was so excited! She's never stopped playing with it." Kara replied.

"Really? That's a wonderful gift! I'm glad she has two wonderful moms in her life now. You two do make a wonderful couple. Don't forget to invite me to the wedding." Jamie teased. "Don't worry all of my friends both here and there will be invited to our wedding." Kara replied. "Miss Kara?" Claire asked looking up at the blonde. "Yes Claire?" Kara replied. "When you, Lena and Alura come home can Alura spend the night at my house?" Claire asked. "I don't see why not sweetheart! I'm sure she'd love it."  Kara replied.

"Love what darling?" Lena asked. "Claire asked if Alura could spend the night at her house when we go home to Ireland. And I said it would be ok." Kara replied. "I agree. Would you like that Alura?" Lena asked. "Yes momma!" Alura replied as she sat on Lena's lap now. When the waitress came back with the bill Kara instantly grabbed it, pulling out her black card and handing it to the waitress. "We could have paid our way Kara!" Jamie replied. "Don't worry about it. You can get it next time." Kara replied. "Ok our first dinner out together in Ireland will be on me." Jamie replied.

After getting her card back everyone headed outside where they took some pictures together before sharing multiple hugs before they all parted ways. "Safe travels tomorrow!" Kara stated as she waved them off as they got into a taxi. "Come on darling, let's go home and start moving my crap over." Lena replied. "Works for me!" Kara replied with a smile.

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