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The changes to the two companies were in full swing now and going really well which made Kara and Lena very happy. With the move coming up it was very important to have everything running smoothly. Today the little family was staying home from work to make plans for the move back to Ireland. Alura was busy with her tutor so that gave Lena and Kara had time to begin packing things up. "Are you excited to go back?" Lena asked as they packed up some of the pictures. "Yes, it'll be nice to be home again. National City was home before everything happened...but now it doesn't feel like home anymore." Kara explained.

"I understand completely. When I came back...after everything....it felt like something was missing..." Lena replied. "Well how does it feel now?" Kara asked. "It feels like home now...you're here, your daughters here...and we're together officially now and publicly. And I know when we go back to Ireland that'll be home too." Lena replied with a smiles. "I love you Lee." Kara cooed. "I love you too darling." Lena replied with a smile.

A few hours later Alura was finishing up with her tutor and Kara and Lena were in the kitchen making some lunch. "Lee? Whats on your mind?" Kara asked looking at how the dark haired woman looked off into the distance. "Just wondering what our routine will look like in Ireland." Lena stated. Kara walked over and wrapped her arms around Lena's waist pulling her in for a kiss. "It'll probably look like this now...I was home more than I was in the office. I'd work from home quite a bit. You could work from home too if you want. My...well our office now is large enough for another desk" Kara explained.

"I'd like that. That way we could spend more time with our daughter." Lena replied. Kara smiled and kissed her again. "Would you want more kids in the future? I know we talked about it a while ago...but I figured I'd bring it up again." Kara explained. "I'd love to have more kids with you." Lena replied as she leaned in and captured Kara's lips. Both women were distracted by the kiss and didn't notice Alura running into the kitchen.

"Ewwww!" Alura squealed. Kara and Lena pulled apart and began laughing at the little girl. "Mommy can't kiss mommy?" Lena asked. "Yea...but first me get kisses!" Alura exclaimed. Both woman laughed as Lena picked Alura up and both she and Kara began peppering kisses all over the little girls face making her laugh.

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