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Alura was spread out across the large bed along with all her stuffed animals. Chuckling to herself Kara turned around walked back to the living room where Lena was still on the sofa. "She's out her look I took a picture." Kara stated showing Lena the phone. "Aww." Lena replied with a smile. "Looks like I'm on the sofa for tonight." Kara replied. Lena arched an eyebrow at the blonde. "Nonsense! You can sleep in my bed. The other rooms are my office and home gym so it only makes sense." Lena replied using her 'I mean business' voice. Kara rolled her eyes at the other woman. "Fine.." Kara replied. "I always get my way Kar...did you forget that?" Lena asked teasingly.

"I'm gonna go change into some pajamas real quick and I'll meet you back here." Kara replied walking back to the spare room. A few minutes later she came out in a silk camisole and a pair of matching shorts. Lena sat on the sofa still in her outfit from earlier. Suddenly the very chatty CEO found her mouth drier than the Sahara Desert. Her green eyes trailed down Kara's toned body hungrily. So many thoughts rushed through her mind until Kara spoke they all disappeared quickly. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" The blonde asked.

When Lena just stared back in response Kara asked again. "Huh...oh yea...movie...I'll be right back." Lena stammered before bolting from the room. Chuckling to herself Kara sat back down on the sofa and crossed her leg over the other, and waited. Lena was in a panic! She didn't know how she was gonna sleep in the same bed as the blonde bombshell! 'Time away did her wonders!' Lena growled as she put on a pair of her sexiest pajamas. 'Two can play this game! In the end we'll both win!' Lena thought as she withheld a groan.

As she walked back to the living room she saw Kara sitting on her sofa with one leg over the other patiently waiting her return. "Hey!" Lena called as she walked over to the couch. "Hey! Ready?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Yea, what would you like to watch?" Lena asked as she sat down beside her. "Whatever is fine with me. I've missed the States movies." Kara admitted. "Oh really?" Lena asked. "Mostly, the food...Irish take out is very limited. But I've gotten really good at making my own pizzas and potstickers though." Kara admitted with a smile.

"Really? Would you cook me something sometime?" Lena asked leaning in to her. "Of course! Actually you'll taste some this weekend at Alura's birthday party. I'm making the pizzas for it." Kara admitted with a smile. "I look forward to it." Lena replied as she clicked on a movie. As the movie played on no one noticed that the two woman began to inch close to one another on the white sofa.

Half way through the movie Lena fell asleep with her head on Kara's shoulder. Seeing this Kara shut the movie off and picked Lena up bridal style walked into the master bedroom. Kara pulled the covers back and lay Lena down before covering her back up shaking her head before she walked around to the other side of the large bed and crawled in herself. One last glance at Lena and Kara rolled over on her side facing the wall and fell asleep.

Sometime in the night the blonde and the ravenette came together like to magnets. Kara's arms around Lena's waist, while Lena's head was on Kara's chest. The sun was now showing through the window in the bedroom when Kara woke up in the large bed with the ravenette woman's head on her chest. "Lee.." Kara whispered. "Hmm?" Lena mumbled. "Lena... you got to move off me..." Kara whispered again this time a little louder. That caught Lena's attention. Green eyes shot open to see that she was lying half on Kara. "Oh goodness! I'm sorry!" Lena said panicking as she jumped away. "It's ok Lee...really...I'm gonna go make breakfast." Kara stated walking out of the bedroom.

Lena watched her leave before running to the bathroom. Kara was in the kitchen making some omelets when Alura woke up. "Mommy!" Alura squealed. "Hey baby! Sit down at the table ok, and I'll bring over your omelet." Kara stated. Alura walked over and sat at the table and waited patiently for her breakfast. "Mommy? Is auntie Lena up?" Alura asked. "Yes I am darling! Did you sleep well?" Lena asked as she walked out to see the young girl at the table. "Yes! Mommy's making us omelettes!" Alura stated. "That's nice of her isn't it?" Lena asked. "Yeah. Mommy makes the best food in the world!" Alura stated.

"Is that so? What's your favorite thing your mommy makes?" Lena asked as she sat down in her pajamas with the girl. "Hmmm? I like when she makes us personal pizzas! I get to put as much pepperoni as I want on mine and pineapple!" Alura replied with her toothy smile. "You like pineapple on your pizza?" Lena asked. "Yes! Mommy puts it on hers too sometimes. Last Christmas mommy made a ham with pineapple on it. And she made yam casserole, and other stuff." Alura stated. "Like what?" Lena asked. "Mommy makes this thing with green beans it's good too. But my favorite part is when she and grandma make chocolate pecan pie!" Alura explains.

"Here ya are. One extra cheesy omelette for my favorite kid in the universe. And one all veggie omelette for the weirdo." Kara states setting down the food. "Where's yours?" Lena asks. "Right here. It's extra cheesy." Kara replied. "Whats that green stuff Auntie Lena?" Alura asks pointing at her omelette. "Kale. Do you want to try some?" Lena asks cutting a small piece off. "Ok!" Alura replies as she takes the bite. Both women watch as Alura chews it and swallows it before speaking. "It's good. Mommy you should try some!" Alura replies. "I'm all set sweetie." Kara replies with a smile.

After breakfast Kara does the dishes up with her super speed before going to get Alura ready. However when she gets to the bedroom Lena's already getting her teeth and hair fixed. "Oh.." Kara exclaims as she walks into the room. "Hi mommy! Auntie Lena did my hair and got me dressed!" Alura stated. "I see that darling. You look very beautiful!" Kara states with a smile. "Ok, I'm gonna go shower and get myself ready." Lena says as she leaves the room. "Me too. Alura I'll be right back." Kara says as the girl nods her head as she sits on the bed.

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