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The next morning Kara was up first and in the kitchen making breakfast for her and Lena. Kara was thinking about tonight and how Kara was planning on going home with Lena tonight after the gala. Yes indeed Kara was giving Lena the benefit of the doubt and giving her a second chance. Flipping on her radio Kara began preparing some fresh fruit for fruit bowls. As she chopped the cantaloupe and watermelon Kara hummed along to the song that was playing over her speakers completely oblivious to Lena approaching her. "Good morning!" Lena cooed happily. "Oh! Good morning Lee!" Kara replied. "Fruit bowls?" Lena asked eyeing the fresh fruit.

"Yea!" Kara replied with a smile. "When did you go grocery shopping?" Lena asked. "While we were out Eliza came and bought food for her and Alura to eat while we all were at the gala." Kara replied. "Oh..that was nice of her." Lena replied with a smile. Kara passed her a bowl filled with mixed fruit and whipped cream on top. "This is really good!" Lena exclaimed happily. "She got them at the local farmers market. I got used to buying everything local in Ireland, and Alura loves her fruit and vegetables." Kara explained.

Lena smiled at this news. "Did you sleep well?" Lena asked. "Yes...I did..did you?" Kara stated. "Yes." Lena replied. "What time is Alura coming back?" Lena asked. "Around noon. You're more than welcome to stay around if you like." Kara replied. "Oh...I'll come back over after I shower and get dressed." Lena replied. "Sounds good to me. Then we can hangout for a bit before we go get dressed for the gala." Kara replied Lena nodded and continued eating the fruit.

After breakfast Lena did the dishes even with Kara's protests. "Let me do this one time...you do it all the time. So go shower, get dressed and when I'm done I'll go do the same at my place then I'll come back here." Lena stated ushering Kara out of the kitchen. "Yes dear!" Kara replied as she went into her bedroom. Lena smiled to herself as she began the dishes. When she finished she went to her place next door and showered and dressed in a simple tshirt and shorts and another pair of sandals. When she got back to Kara's she saw Kara outside on the balcony looking over the city. She appeared to be in deep thought as Lena approached her. "Hey Lee." Kara greeted. "Hey, you ok?" Lena asked putting an arm around the blonde. "Just realizing how different National City is to Ireland. Not that I don't like it here...I do...but Ireland is just so peaceful." Kara replied.

"I understand that. There aren't a lot of places for Alura to run around and play. I can also tell that you being here brings back memories of your time as supergirl, along with other ones. But now you can make new memories with Alura here and keep them for when you go back to Ireland." Lena stated laying her head on Kara's shoulder. "Yea..I guess we can. Come on...let's go do something." Kara stated. "What would you like to do?" Lena asked. Kara smirked at the dark haired woman. "Let's go flying! I haven't done it a long time and...I still have my suit!" Kara exclaimed happily. Lena watched as Kara tap something on her bracelet causing the old supergirl suit to appear on her body. "Microtechnology?" Lena asked her eyes going wide.

"Yea...Winn modified it and Sam took it over to Ireland one Christmas." Kara explained. "It's amazing!" Lena replied. "Come on!" Kara said opening her arms for Lena to come into her. Lena wrapped her arms around the blonde tightly and nodded letting Kara know she was ready. They took to the sky with ease and Kara wrapped her arms around Lena as they soared the sky.

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