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The next morning Kara was on the phone with a private doctor who regularly took high end clients. She'd been taking Kara and Alura since they arrived in Ireland. "Ok! We'll see you later then. Thank you." Kara said as the call ended. "Everything ok?" Lena asked. "Yes darling. The doctor will be coming here in a few hours. And the other paperwork has been ordered." Kara added. "Oh! That's amazing!" Lena replied. "What's amazing momma?" Alura asked. "Alrua...we need to have a talk." Kara said. "About what?" Alura asked. "Let's go sit on the sofa." Lena added.

Eliza was already siting on the sofa when everyone else joined her. "Alura...what would you like better than anything else?" Lena asked. The little girl thought for a second before smiling. "A baby sister." Alura replied. "Is there anything else?" Kara asked. "Hmmm...momma being my momma." Alura replied. "Is that what you want?" Kara asked. "Yes." Alura replied. "Well...do you remember that phone call mommy made?" Lena asked. Alura nodded slowly.

"Well that was to a lawyer to draw up some papers so that momma will be your momma officially. So your name will be Alura Zor-El-Danvers-Luthor." Kara replied. "Really?" Alura asked. "Yes darling." Lena replied. Alura couldn't hold it in any more she jumped into Lena's arms and squealed happily. "Careful sweetheart, momma still doesn't feel well." Kara cooed. Alura stoped squirming and sat still in Lena's lap.

After all the excitement dies down Alura and Eliza decide to take a drive into town before the doctor arrives. "Come on darling. Let's go have some lunch." Eliza says. "Just you and me?" Alura asks. "Yes sweetheart, just you and me." Eliza replies. "Ok." Alura replied as they headed for the car.

A half hour after Alura and Eliza leave the doctor arrived. "Let's get this test done shall we?" She asks looking at the women. "Of course. Where do you want me?" Lena asked. "A bed would be good that way you can lay flat." The doctor replied. A few minutes later Lena's in their bed with Kara sitting beside her holing her hand as the doctor moves the wand over her abdomen. It takes a moment but sure enough there's a black blimp floating around inside Lena's abdomen. "Congratulations! You look to be about three weeks along. I can come back in a few weeks and do another check up. Is there anything else I can do for you ladies today?" The doctor asked. "No. Thank you though." Kara replied as she packed up the things and left.

"We're gonna be moms! Oh Alura's gonna squeal with joy." Lena exclaimed. "I know. I'm not looking to that part though." Kara replied with a smile. "What's next on our agenda?" Lena asked. "Well lunch then our lawyer comes." Kara replied. Lena nodded as they headed into the kitchen to make something quick to eat.

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