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Kara hopped out of her shower and began getting ready for the gala. Her three piece suit was hanging on her bedroom door as she her hair. Leaving it down loose around her shoulders she put on light makeup  before putting on her suit. Once she was dressed Kara looked at herself in the mirror before smiling to herself. Walking out of the bedroom she paused to tie up her dress shoes before continuing on her way. "Mommy! You look very pretty!" Alura stated from where she at the table. "Thank you darling you look very pretty too! Be good for grandma won't you?" Kara asked as she kissed her head. "I will mommy!" Alura replied. "Eliza! I'm head in out. I'll see you later." Kara replied. "Have fun darling." Eliza replied with a smile.

Back in Lena's place she was standing in her living room in a bright red dress that had a slit up the side that went to her thigh, with a deep v neckline that accented her necklace and matching earrings. Her bright red lipstick and dark eyeshadow made everything pop. The sudden knock on the door cause her to turn around. She opened it to reveal Kara in a three piece suit, her blonde hair down around her shoulders and light makeup on her face made her blue eyes pop out all the more. "Good evening Lee! You look absolutely radiant tonight!" Kara stated as she handed her a single red rose. "Thank you Kara! You...you...you look wow! There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how amazing you look in that suit." Lena replied stammering over her words. "Thank you darling. Are you ready to go?" Kara asked holding out her arm for Lena to take. Lena nodded as they walked to the elevator.

Just outside the condo complex sat a black limousine. "Kara? Did you really?" Lena asked. "Yes, I did." Kara replied as the driver stepped out and opened the door for them. Lena scooted in first followed by Kara, once they were both comfortably inside the limo the door was shut and they were off to the grand hotel. "Why all this?" Lena asked. "Because, I can...and not to brag or anything...but the most beautiful woman in all the world is here as my date. So why not show her off in a grand gesture." Kara replied. Lena blushed at the blondes words as they felt the limo stop. "Ready?" Kara asked as the door opened. "Yes." Lena replied as she took the out stretched hand.

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