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One month and one day later the two women stood in the large field surrounded by family and friends as they vowed to Rao to become one. Rings were exchanged by both women. Then after Rao's prayer was recited by them both were the bracelets exchanged between each other. "With this the House of El bracelet I now commit myself to you Kara Zor-El Danvers for all of my lives both here in the physical world and in the land of Rao." Lena said. "With this the House of El bracelet I now commit myself to you Lena Kieran Luthor for all my lives both here in the physical world and in the land of Rao." Kara replied. "Well go on kiss...I'm getting hungry." Clark (Kal-El) exclaimed causing them both to laugh before Kara pulled Lena in for a heated kiss.

After food, and dancing and more kissing, speech's and mor dancing Kara and Lena say their goodbyes to everyone and ready to go on their honeymoon. Spain. "You be good for grandma ok? Listen to her and do your homework alright." Kara explained to Alura. "Yes mommy." Alura replied. "Be good sweetheart. If you need us for anything, or just miss us you can have grandma call us ok...we love you." Lena added. "Yes momma I love you too." Alura replied. "Be careful! Call us when you land ok?" Eliza said as she hugged them both tight. "We will. We promise." Lena replied with a smile. Eliza and Alura watched as they got onto the private jet before heading home. "Grandma? Am I gonna get a baby sister now?" Alura asked. "Um. I'm not sure sweetheart. Maybe." Eliza replied shaking her head as she drove them back home.

Kara and Lena took off into the sky's sipping champagne and admiring their rings. "I love you so much." Lena whispered. "I love you too soooo much! Rao! I'm glad we got back together!" Kara cooed as she kissed Lena's lips. Once the jet evened out in the sky Kara and Lena slipped off to the rear of the jet and consummated their marriage...multiple times.

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