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Saturday morning the family headed to the airport with three months worth of luggage in tow. "Next stop Grandmas!" Lena exclaimed as she unloaded Alura from the backseat. "Yay!" Alura squealed. "Lee be careful love, let them get our things." Kara said ushering her wife and kid onto the jet. Once Alura was settled in her seat Kara and Lena took thier seats. "Relax love, everything's gonna be ok." Lena cooed. "I know...but I just worry about you two, you especially now that your pregnant." Kara replied. "I know love. But I'm ok, our daughter's ok, and our growing baby is ok too." Lena stated. "I know love, I know." Kara replied as she sank into her seat and took Lena's hand in her own as the plane took off.

A few hours later Alura was sound asleep in her seat while Lena lay back in her seat with Kara holding her around the waist. Suddenly Alura woke up and came to wake up Kara. "Mommy...I gotta use the potty." Alura whispered. "Ok honey, let's go, then do you wanna lay in bed with mommy for a bit?" Kara asked. "Only if momma comes too." Alura whispered. "Ok honey, you go potty, and I'll go carry momma to the bedroom." Kara said. "Ok." Alura replied.

Kara gently picked up Lena in her arms and carried her to the bedroom and lay her down in bed gently before going g to check on Alura. "Come on sweetie let's get you into some pajamas and we'll all go back to sleep. And when we wake up we'll be in National City with Grandma!" Kara whispered as she held Alura in her arms. Alura smiled and quickly fell asleep again.

A few long hours later Lena woke up in the arms of Kara with Alura nuzzled in between them. Hearing their pilot telling them that they were planning to land Lena took it upon herself to wake up Alura and Kara. "Come on let's get back into our seats bug." Lena cooed as she carried a sleepy Alura to her seat. Kara followed them to their seats and quickly buckled into them as the jet came to a stop in the private runway. "It's a little after midnight. So we'll probably go to Alex and Sam's for today and tomorrow, then we can get a car and head to Eliza's." Kara said. "Works for me. Does Alex know we're coming?" Lena asked. "Yes..yes she does! And she's here to pick you all up." Came the voice of one very sleepy looking Alex. "Sam home asleep?" Lena asked. "Probably, she said she'd  try staying up...but pregnancy brain has her pretty exhausted most of the time." Alex replied.

"Ok load up everything and let's head home." Alex said as the staff put everything into the cargo hold of Alex's suv. One Alura was buckled in everyone headed off. Sure enough Sam was in bed sleeping when they all arrived. Lena took Alura to the spare room while Alex and Kara unloaded the suitcases and bringing them inside. "Go get some sleep Alex. We can put everything up later." Kara said with a smile. Alex nodded and headed to her room. Kara went into the spare room and quickly changed and crawled into bed with Alura and Lena and quickly fell asleep.

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