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Later that night while Alex was grilling the food, and Sam, Eliza and Alura were on a walk on the lakeshore Kara and Lena were upstairs in their room discussing the possibility of moving back to National City permanently. "So what do you think?" Lena asked. "About moving? I like the idea, it would be great for everyone including our future child...and we'd be here for when Sam and Alex have their baby too. But where would we live Lee?" Kara asked. "Let's look now shall we...get an idea, while our daughters busy with Sam and Eliza." Lena said as she pulled out her laptop.

Meanwhile down by the lakeshore Alura is talking Sam and Eliza's ears off about the trip here. "I packed the new game momma got me." Alura said. "What game would that be?" Sam asked. "It's a card game. Momma got it for us to play so I can learn my Gaelic better." Alura replied. "Oh so it's a learning game. Yea your momma can play that with you. Auntie Sam doesn't know Gaelic." Sam replied. "Aunite Sam...let's go get some rocks." Alura said. "You two go get some rocks, I'm gonna go see if Auntie Alex needs any help." Eliza replied. "Ok grandma!" Alura replied with a smile.

Back inside the house Kara and Lena were pouring over different properties with large back yards. "We definitely need a pool or something." Lena added. "And a large kitchen." Kara said. "And a basement..." Lena said. "For what?" Kara asked. "A play room for our kids. And maybe a guest room." Lena replied. "Ok, now lets look for schools. We need a good one for Alura." Kara added. Lena nodded as they began searching for schools for gifted students.

Outside on the large deck Alex was in the midst of mixing up the vegetables she was grilling up when Eliza came out. "Hey sweetie hows the cooking coming?" Eliza asked. "Good, where's Sam and Alura?" Alex asked. "Picking up stones along the lake shore." Eliza replied. "That kid does love rocks of any shape or size." Alex said. "Yea she does. She's got a bright future ahead of her." Eliza replied.

A few minutes later Sam and Alura came back to the house with a bucket full of rocks. "Look Auntie Alex!" Alrua squealed excitedly as she lifted the bucket up to show the redhead. "Wow! Look at all those pretty rocks! What are you gonna do with them?" Alex asked. "Look at them with momma." Alura replied with a smile. "I'll go get Lena and Kara." Sam said as she went inside.

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