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The drive to Alex's was short and Alex was waiting outside the building for them. "Auntie Alex!" Alura yelled as Kara opened the door. "Hey kid! Are you ready to have fun?" Alex asked. "Yesss!" Alura replied. "Good! We gotta go grocery shopping." Alex replied with a smile. "Be good for Auntie Alex and Auntie Sam. I'll see you in the morning." Kara replied. Alura nodded slowly as they parted from the hug. "I will mommy!" Alura replied. "Ok! Well we're off to find some furniture, and to grab my outfit from the cleaners for Saturday." Kara added looking at her sister. "Ok, I'll bring her back in the afternoon." Alex replied grabbing the overnight bag from Kara.

Alura went inside with Alex while Kara got back into the car with Lena. "Ready?" Kara asked. "Yea! Where to first?" Lena asked. "Dry cleaners. I need to pick up my gala outfit." Kara replied. "Oh? Gown? Suit? What is it?" Lena asked raising an eyebrow at her. "You'll just have to come and find out." Kara replied. "What about Maggie?" Lena asked. "Maggie is no longer apart of our life. She's still detained." Kara explained. "Oh...so who will you go with now?" Lena asked.

Kara remained silent for a few minutes as she thought of a way to ask Lena to be her date to the gala. "Lee...would you like to be my date to the gala?" Kara asked as they pulled up to a red light. Lena was completely caught off guard by the question. "I would love to!" Lena replied with a smile. "Wonderful! I'll pick you up at seven on Saturday." Kara replied. "What about Alura? Who will have her?" Lena asked. "Eliza is going to babysit her." Kara explained.

Lena nodded as they pulled into a parking lot at a high end furniture store. "So what are we looking for today ladies?" Asked the old man on the sales floor. "We're just browsing. If we need help I will ask for it, until then you may go back to what you were doing." Kara stated. Lena watched in complete awe as the woman she loves acted assertively. Yes after all this time Lena Luthor was still in love with Kara Danvers.

Kara took Lena by the hand and began walking around the store. Lena couldn't help but blush at the sudden touch. "Kara? What happened to the bumbling, nervous little reporter?" Lena asked. "I out grew it four years ago in my first board meeting. Some old coot accused me of being incompetent of doing my job properly and still be a mother, so I had to set him straight." Kara explained. If it was more possible for Lena to fall deeper in love with the blonde she would have but she was already deep in love with her and her daughter.

They walked around in silence for a few minutes before Kara came across a large sofa she decided to try out. "Come on Lee sit. I want to see if it's comfortable." Kara stated as she pulled the brunette down onto her lap. Lena squealed as she fell. Kara wrapped her arms around the brunette causing her cheeks to turn tomato red. "Kara! What are you doing?" Lena asked. "What do you mean Lee?" Kara asked innocently as she could. "This?" Lena said pointing at where she was sitting. "Simple...you asked for a second chance so...I've decided to give it to you. So unless you've changed your mind..." Kara replied.

Lena didn't respond instead she leaned in and pressed her lips to the blondes. The kiss was short but it was filled with lots of promise and love. "I would like nothing more than to do that." Lena replied. "Good. Now what do you think of this sofa?" Kara asked. "It's comfortable, it's big enough to fit everyone on it for game nights." Lena replied. "Good, I'll take this one. Now on to beds." Kara replied as they stood up still holding hands.

The beds were on the furthest wall in the shop giving the woman enough time to talk as they walked. "So where will Eliza have Alura?" Lena asked. "At my place." Kara replied softly. "Oh..." Lena replied "What?" Kara asked. "Nothing..." Lena lied. "Lee...you are a terrible liar. But I'll tell you I was thinking the same thing." Kara whispered the last part. They soon stopped to look at a twin bed that had a unique frame around it. "I think this will be perfect for Alura." Lena said. "You think? I was thinking the same thing." Kara replied.

They examined it for another moment before Kara decided to take it. "Next the guest bedroom furniture." Kara stated. "What are you thinking for that?" Lena asked. "Something fairly modern and comfortable especially for my mom to sleep on." Kara replied. "Well what about this? It's a nice model. It's proscopedic so it'll be comfortable for Eliza." Lena suggested pointing to the king bed. Kara sat on it before laying on it and moving around. When she sat up Kara nodded. "I'll add this and those bedside tables and that chest of drawers." Kara stated.

"Now..for my bedroom.." Kara said with a sigh. "Why do you sound like you're not excited?" Lena asked. "Cause I'm not. Picking out things for the rest of the condo is fine. It's my room that takes longest. It's where I spend the least amount of time." Kara explained. "Why's that?" Lena asked. Kara shrugged before replying. "It becomes lonely after a while. In Ireland I would sleep on the sofa most nights unless my family was visiting. Then I'd sleep in my bedroom." Kara explained. "That's sad." Lena replied. "Oh I know. I stood in there before I came back here. I was admiring the view from my room." Kara explained.

"Oh? What's the view like?" Lena asked. Smirking at her Kara responded. "I could tell you...or you could come see it for yourself." "I think I'll take you up on that offer." Lena replied as they looked over a king size bed. "This will do. It's not as comfortable as the one at home but it's only temporary." Kara replied. "What's it like? Where you live in Ireland?" Lena asked.
"It's a quiet village. I live far enough away from the large cities but close enough to Alura's friends so it's not a hassle to take her to them for sleepovers and such. Like I said earlier, it's surrounded by rolling hills. In the summer there's a million stars in the sky and the moon is so large. Alura takes her telescope out to look at it almost every night." Kara explained as they headed back towards the sales man.

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