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Later the next day Kara and Lena went to the place where Kara and Lena's suv's were stored with Alex to get one to use while their here for the summer. "So which one do you want to use?" Lena asked. "Well they're all ours...you can pick love." Kara replied. Lena smiled as she began examining the suv's. "So you're gonna be at mom's the entire summer?" Alex asked. "No, I'm thinking we'll rent a big lake house for the summer, that way Alura can enjoy some swimming, and I can teach Lena how to fish." Kara replied. "Ah that does sound like fun. Are we invited too?" Alex asked. "Of course! Someone needs to help me grill." Kara replied.

"Kar! I picked one." Len said as she walked back over to the blonde. "Ok, let's head back to Alex's then, get loaded up and go to Eliza's." Kara replied. "You're driving. I'm too big to drive comfortably." Lena groaned. "Come on love." Kara cooed as she held open the passenger door. The drive back to Alex's was paused by a stop off at a sporting goods store. "What are we doing here Kara?" Lena asked. "I've decided to rent us a large cabin on the lake for the summer, and we'll need some lake toys, and fishing gear." Kara replied. "We're going fishing? Like actual fishing?" Lena asked. "Yes, and we're gonna roast marshmallows on the fire pit and everything." Kara replied. "You're giving me the childhood I never had...I love you." Lena gushed. "I love you too Lee, come on let's het going." Kara said as she grabbed a buggy letting Lena push it around the store.

An hour later they left the store with everything they'd need for a summer on the lake. "I'm actually excited for this vacation. I never went to camp or anything as a child. So this is gonna be childhood dream come true, and I have you and our family to thank for that." Lena said. "I'm glad I can give this to you Lee. Go ahead and get in and I'll load the car up." Kara replied.

A few minutes later they were back at Alex's loading their luggage and Alura and heading to Eliza's place. Alura was in the backseat listening to one of her books on her tablet, Lena in the passenger seat looking out the window admiring the views. Kara was driving. They'd just stopped off at a local diner to stretch their legs and eat a late lunch before returning to the open road. "How much longer?" Lena asked. "Ten minutes away." Kara replied. "Oh thank Rao! I'm about to bust here." Lena groaned.

Ten minutes later they pulled into Eliza's driveway and Lena jumped out of the passenger seat and ran to the bathroom. "Hey mom!" Kara called out as she got Alura out. "Hey sweetheart!" Eliza replied. "GRANDMA!" Alura squealed. "Alura!" Eliza yelled. Alura ran over to the older woman hugging her tight. "Momma had to go potty bad!" Alura said as they walked back to the car. "I see that. Let's get this stuff unloaded hmm?" Eliza asked.

A few minutes later Lena came back outside apologizing for not saying hello earlier. "Quite alright Lena, I was there once too." Eliza replied. Lena grabbed her small bag and followed them inside. Kara and Eliza put their stuff upstairs while Lena took to the sofa putting her feet up. Alura snuggled up to her side as they waited for Kara and Eliza to get done.

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