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Lena was shocked at what Kara had told her she just stared at her with a blank expression. "You ok Lee?" Kara asked leaning into the dark haired woman. "Yea...I just wasn't expecting that for an answer." Lena replied. They leaned into one another for a kiss...and just before they could connect their lips a little blonde haired girl came running out into the living room. "Mommy! Lena!" Alura called. "What is it darling?" Kara asked. "Im hungry...what are we having for dinner?" Alura asked. Kara and Lena shared a look. "What would you like darling?" Lena asked. "Hmmm? I don't know...." Alura replied. "How about sandwiches? Since you had pizza for lunch. But it's not dinner time yet, so what would you like to do in the mean time?" Kara asks.

"Can we watch a movie?" Alura asked. "Sure why not. What would you like to watch?" Kara asks. "Hmm beauty and the beast! Have you seen it Lena?" Alura asked.  "No I haven't, but I'd love to watch it with you!" Lena replied with a smile. Alura ran over to the movie bin and plucked out the dvd of 'beauty and the beast' and put it in the dvd player before joining the woman on the sofa. "Lena...there are some scary parts...but don't worry...I'll hold your hand if you get scared." Alura said reassuringly. Lena couldn't help but smile at the little girl. She was already in her heart as deep as it could go but what she said just now was enough to bring Lena to tears...happy tears...but tears nonetheless.

Lena wrapped her arm around Alura as the movie began, she even planned to act 'scared' when it got scary to see how Alura would react. Kara watched their interactions and it made her heart smile. She knew now she made the right decision to let Lena  back into her life. As the movie played on Kara noticed that Lena was pretending to be scared as the beast roared and snarled, Alura would grab Lena's hand and cuddle into her side and whisper 'it's ok...its just a movie...' and Lena would suddenly relax at the girls calming words.

After the movie is over it's now late enough to make some sandwiches. Kara and Lena were in the kitchen making sandwiches for the three of them while Alura sat at the table waiting patiently. "Mommy...is it ok if I have my friends over tomorrow?" Alura asked. "Of course darling, they'll b here till Saturday morning. Why don't we invite them out to see a movie or something after your tutoring is over tomorrow." Kara suggested. "Yes! Maybe we can go to the trampoline park...with Lena too." Alura says. "Um...I'm not sure if Lena can come with us darling...she may have work to do." Kara replied.

"I'll tell you what Alura, let me talk to my assistant later and see what my schedule looks like tomorrow and if I'm free I'll come by here and go with you and your mommy to the trampoline park, how does that sound?" Lena asked. "Ok." Alura said as she ate her sandwich. "Lee I know you have to work...it'll be ok." Kara replied. "I'll ask Jess later and tell you ok. So stop worrying darling." Lena replied. "Lena?" Alura asked getting her attention. "Yes darling?" Lena asked. "When mommy and me go back to Ireland...will you come with us and become my other mommy?" Alura asked.

The question caught both woman off guard. They shared a look not knowing what to say to the young girl. Finally Lena began speaking. "Yes I am going back with you and your mommy. As for the other part of your question...would you like me to be your other mommy?" Lena asked. "Yes! You are nice to me and mommy loves you...and I love you." Alura replied. 'Damn those blue eyes...and that pout.' Lena thought to herself as she composed herself. "I love you and your mommy too very much. And if it's ok with your mommy I'll gladly be your other mommy." Lena replied. Alura shot her mom a look and pouted at her. "It's ok with me darling." Kara replied. "Yay!" Alura squealed.

After dinner Kara gave Alura a bath and helped her get into her pajamas while Lena did the dishes up. When they came back out to the living room they saw Lena sitting on the sofa waiting for them. "Well hello there sweetie! Did you have a nice bath?" Lena asked. "Yes momma I did. Mommy braided my hair so it'll be wavy like yours tomorrow." Alura stated. "Oh did she now? That was nice of her wasn't it?" Lena asked as she scooped her up in their arms. "Yes, I like when mommy braids my hair. She said a lot of princess had hair that was braided at times. She'd tell me about them when we went through a castle tour in Scotland a couple summers ago." Alura explained.

"You like Scotland?" Lena asked. "Yes! I liked going to the battle of....umm..what is it mommy?" Alura asked. "Battle of Culloden. Remember we watched a reenactment in the show Outlander with James Fraser?" Kara asked. "Yea he was there in the show...after he sent Claire back through the stones. Mommy cried watching it." Alura admitted. "You weren't supposed to say anything you little monkey!" Kara replied teasingly. "Oops.." Alura replied as she snuggled into Lena's chest.

Everyone stayed on the sofa for a couple more hours and watched another movie before Kara picked up a sleeping Alura and brought her to her room. After tucking her in and gently kissing her cheek she turned around and walked out to talk to Lena. "How do you feel about her calling you momma?" Kara asked as she poured two glasses of wine. "I'm fine with it really Kara. Really. I told you when we started this, that I'm all in a hundred percent! I love you and that little girl so much." Lena replied as she leaned over and kissed the blondes lips. "Ok..just wanted to make sure." Kara replied. "I know and thank you for that." Lena replied.

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