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Today was the day Eliza would be going home. Alura was really upset about it, but Eliza told her that she would be coming back for the holidays with Sam and Alex. "Ok...I'm gonna miss you though Grandma." Alura whimpered. "I'm gonna miss you too peanut. But I'll be back here sooner than you think and you can always video call me anytime you want to." Eliza replied with a smile. Lena and Kara took turns hugging Eliza before letting her get onto the private jet. "Call us when you get home ok!" Kara called out. "I will! And I'll be back before the new grand baby is born. I love you all!" Eliza called out. "We love you too!" Everyone called back.

Once everyone was back home Alura headed up to her room and played with her toys. It was nearing the end of the school year for her so she was looking forward to that. "In one week she'll be home all the time." Kara said as she and Lena began dinner. "I know! I'm quite excited!" Lena replied. "Me too actually. But it'll mean that her friends will be coming over a lot and she'll be going there too...so we'll have alone time." Kara said as she wagged her eyebrows at her wife. "Mmm I like the sounds of that." Lena replied as she pressed a kiss to her lips.

A little while later Lena was going upstairs to get Alura for dinner. "You ready to eat love bug?" Lena asked. "Yes momma! What are we having?" Alrua asked. "Mommy and I made fish tacos!" Lena replied. "Yum!" Alrua squealed as she hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Fish tacos! Fish tacos! Fish tacos!" She chanted as she took her seat at the table. "Momma tell you what we're having I see." Kara replied laughing at her daughter. "Yes mommy! And I'm excited!" Alura squealed.

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