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After Alura went to bed Kara and Lena curled up on the sofa to watch a movie and enjoy some snacks before bed. "Whats on your mind?" Kara asked as she wrapped her arm around her wife's shoulders. "Just thinking about all this. Will I have powers?" Lena asked. "Maybe. There is a good possibility, but don't worry though, I'll help you master them I promise." Kara replied. "Oh good...cause I'd hate to be in a board room and begin setting things on fire with my eyes at random." Lena replied with a smile. "Is there anything else on your mind?" Kara asked. "Just wondering what movie you'd like to watch." Lena replied. "Hmm how about a comedy." Kara suggested. They found a movie quickly and began watching it, keeping the volume low enough so it wouldn't wake up Alura.

A couple hours later Kara and Lena headed off to bed. "You feeling ok love?" Kara whispered as Lena came out of the bathroom holding her stomach. "No..just some more sickness, it should settle down eventually." Lena replied as she lay down in bed beside Kara who pulled her into her arms. "Here, I'll rub your stomach, see if it settles it down." Kara whispered. Lena smiled at her as she began gently rubbing her stomach. "That does feel nice...thank you love." Lena whispered as she nuzzled her head into Kara's neck. They lay their together just enjoying the silence of the night as sleep over took them both.

Sometime in the early morning hours Alura woke up from a bad dream and crawled into bed with her moms and soon snuggled up to Lena's side. That's where she remained till morning when Lena woke up to a the small girl clinging to her side. Kara was already up and downstairs probably fixing breakfast. Or it could be the fact that she woke up to a wet bed where Alura had come in after wetting her bed after a bad dream. Suddenly it becomes clear to Lena as she feels the wetness around her. Lena sits up in bed and gently wakes Alura up so they both can get cleaned up. "Momma...I sowwy..." Alura whimpered. "It's ok darling. It happens sometimes let's go take a bath shall we...then go have breakfast." Lena cooed.

A little while later they are downstairs both fully dressed for the warm day. "Did you strip the beds?" Kara asked. "Yes, they're going already along with our pajamas." Lena replied. "Oh good thank you." Kara replied. "Alura honey...are you feeling better?" Kara asked. "Yes mommy...I'm sorry." Alura replied. "It's ok love, just next time wake us up if it happens again ok?" Kara replies. "Yes mommy." Alura replied softly. Kara smiled as she passed over a plate of cut up pancakes and syrup and strawberries.

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