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A few minutes later they arrived at the park getting their chairs and blankets out. "There's a spot over there we can all sit." Eliza says pointing out a bare spot of grass close to food places and with a great view of the fireworks. After setting everything up everyone headed out to get a bunch of food to much on while they walk around the large park. "Mommy! Look they have face painting!" Alura exclaimed. "Do you want to get our faces painted?" Lena asked. "Yes momma please!" Alura begged. "Let's go see if your aunties want to get their faces painted too." Kara suggested.

"Auntie Alex...Auntie Sam? Want to get our faces painted together?" Alura asks looking at the adults. "Sure why not kiddo. Are your mom's gonna have theirs done too?" Sam asked. "Yes we already agreed to get our faces painted." Lena said. The five of them sat on the stools as they picked out what they anted to have painted on their faces. Alura quickly chose to have a tiger painted on her face while Lena and Kara decided to get simple fireworks painted on them. Sam and Alex chose to have different animals painted on their faces while Eliza snapped pictures of the family fun.

After getting their faces painted the group goes and buys a bunch of food to share between them as they wait for the fireworks to start. "Ok we have hotdogs, chili fries, popcorn, nachos, drinks, and loads of bags of candy and things.  I think we're good for a while." Kara said. "I think so too love, let's go sit down." Lena said. Kara scoops up Alura in one hand holds the drinks in the other hand while Lena holds the bags of food.

Once everyone is seated again with their food Alura squeezes between her moms and begins chomping down on her hotdogs. "The fireworks will be beginning soon! So everyone please get comfortable and prepare to enjoy the show!" The announcement is made and Alura squeals with excitement.

The fireworks begin and Alura is quickly captivated by the loud bangs and the beautiful colors that light up the sky. Lena and Kara share a look as they watch Alura watch the fireworks.

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