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A few minutes later Kara and Alura were arriving at L Corp, with lunch in hand. "Mommy are we gonna see Auntie Leeena now?" Alura asked. "Yes darling we are." Kara replied as she pulled into a parking spot. "Mommy! This spot has your name on it!" Alura squealed as they got out of the car. "It does doesn't it?" Kara replied curiosity growing as they walked towards the elevator. One quick elevator ride later they were walking through the hall that led to Lena's office. "Hello, I'm here to see..." Kara began but was cut off by Lena coming out of her office to greet her. "Kara! Alura! Welcome! And can you make sure that Kara and Alura Danvers are to be allowed up here without any questions." Lena added looking at her assistant who just nodded at her.

"Auntie Lena! We brought lunch!" Alura exclaimed with a smile. "Oh did you? What did you bring?" Lena asked. "Big...Big Belly Burger! Mommy says it's your favorite!" Alura stated. Lena smiled at her as Kara sat the bags down on the coffee table. "Your mommy's right! It is my favorite! Shall we eat?" Lena asked as Alura took the CEO by the hand as they walked over to where Kara sat on the sofa. "How was your tutoring?" Lena asked. "Good! I got done early!" Alura replied with a smile. "That's wonderful news darling! How was your day Kara?" Lena asked. "It was ok. Everything's running smoothly as I figured it would be. However I plan to stay here a little longer to make some small improvements." Kara explained.

Lena took a bite of her burger and listened intently to the blonde speaking. "What type of improvements?" Lena asked. "Oh just some little things. Mostly in the forgotten parts of the building, more water fountains here and there, more bathrooms, more cleaning storage. Adding more janitorial help, getting rid of the carpets. The small things, that no one notices." Kara explained. "Oh really? Then when thats done what will you do?" Lena asked. "Probably prepare to go back to Ireland." Kara replied.

"Oh, ok." Lena replied softly. "Alura, don't you have something to ask your Auntie Lena?" Kara asked her daughter. "Yes mommy! Auntie Lena, would you like to come to my birthday party this Sunday?" Alura asked. "When is it darling?" Lena replied. "Sunday at mine and mommy's new house! My friends from Ireland are coming over. And grandma Eliza will be there too! There's gonna be pizza!" Alura explained happily. "I think I'll be able to come!" Lena replied smiling at the little girl.

"Yesss!" Alura exclaimed. Alura continued eating her meal in silence after that. "So Kar, what are you gonna do now?" Lena asked. "Well after this, I've got to get some furniture and have it delivered to the condo. Then I thought I'd do some birthday shopping after I drop Alura off with Eliza." Kara replied. "Would you like some company? That way I can get her something too." Lena replied. "Yea sure!" Kara replied. "What would you like for your birthday Alura?" Lena asked.

The young girl thought for a moment before replying. "Hmmm...board games. Mommy and I play them a lot when I'm on break." Alura replied. "I think I can find something." Lena replied with a smile. The three of them sat there till everyone was finished eating, then Alura took the garbage over to the trash for them before returning. "Mommy?" Alura asked. "Yes sweetheart?" Kara replied. "Is there a bathroom here?" Alura asked. "Oh yes there is! Right this way darling." Lena explained leading the young girl to the in office bathroom. "Thank you." The young girl said as she walked in and shut the door behind her.

"So when are you gonna head to go shopping?" Lena asked. "As soon as Alura is out of the bathroom. First Alex's then to the furniture store. Then to a department store to buy some birthday presents, then it'll be back to the condo to grab our stuff from your place and move it down the hall. Then I was thinking maybe you could come over for dinner if you'd like." Kara suggested. "That sounds wonderful! What time should I come over?" Lena asked. "Any time, or you could just hang out at our place. Alex and Sam are bringing Alura back tomorrow night. They're having a sleepover." Kara added.

The blush that crept up Lena's face did not go unnoticed by the blonde, she just chose to ignore it for now. "Sounds good to me! Do they have sleepovers often? Sam, Alura and Alex. That is?" Lena asked. "Every time we come for a visit or they come for a visit. It's became a tradition for them. They order Chinese food, watch Disney movies, and make a pillow fort in the living room. I have so many pictures of their sleepovers in the house." Kara replied.

"How often do you come visit?" Lena asked. "Prior to moving back we'd come back during the holiday vacation over Christmas. Spend two months here before heading back home. Then during the summer holidays they'd come over spend some time with us. As I'm sure you know...from Sam's vacation requests. They'd come, we'd go to the tourist places eat out a lot then go on Alura's favorite tours of castles or castle ruins." Kara explained. "That sounds amazing!" Lena replied as Alura came out from the bathroom.

"Are you ready love?" Kara asked her daughter. "Yes mommy!" Alura replied with a smile. "Ok! Lee is there anything you need to finish up before we go?" Kara asked. "Nope! I'm all set here! Ready when you ladies are!" Lena replied. Alura reached out and took the CEO's hand along with her own mothers and walked out of the office. "Take the rest of the day off! I'll be working from home the rest of the week." Lena stated as they walked into the elevator together.

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