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You think I'm psycho, don't you, Mama? You'd better let 'em lock me up....

I listened to the lyrics of Psycho by Jack Kittel as I turned into the driveway of my uncles house, towing my trailer with my horse in it behind me. Humming along to the toon with the windows down, I took a slight turn off the main driveway to head to the barn behind the house.

As I passed the house I glanced up and caught sight of two vehicles parked up beside my Aunt Sarah's car. One appeared to be a lifted black truck and a silver sports car. What the hell? I thought to myself as I gently eased on the breaks of my truck, as to not jostle my horse. Who's vehicles were those? I'd never seen them before in my life. And I couldn't see my aunt Sarah either.

Panic immediately set in as I thought of someone in the house with my aunt. I slammed my truck into park and threw my door open, not even bothering to close it.

I kept my hand on my hat as I jogged quietly up the small hill to the house. As I passed the two vehicles I slowed just a bit to get a better glimpse at them. The truck was very dirty and muddy, where as the car beside it was shiny and in impeccable shape. Weird considering it had to drive down at least 8 miles of dirt roads to get here, but that was the least of my concerns. My aunt was my top priority right now as well as little Annie. Can't believe I let that slip the first time.

I walked between the two vehicles and slowed to a stop as I came up to the porch steps, listening to see if I could hear anything, and I couldn't. Well that's not a good sign I thought to myself as I slowly approached the screen door and cautiously opened it. I looked to my left and saw my baseball bat I had stashed there just in case, and thank god I did. Time to put it to use!

I wrapped my hands around the base of it and took silent steps down the hall and towards the kitchen. And that's when I heard quiet voices, almost muffled. People talking through the screen door that lead out the kitchen and onto the back porch. Then the door opened and slammed closed causing me to hold my breath and press my back against the wall just before the kitchen entry way.

"Sideswipe go get it," the person said in a mocking tone. "Sideswipe do this, and Sideswipe do that." They continued on in a weird deep tone this time. And then he spoke normally next, in a smooth voice. "Get your own damn Budweiser, whatever the hell that even is! How am I supposed to know what that is?! I've only been here for not even two months! Whatever, they said it was red and white and in a can located in a fridge." The person, a male, said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who the fuck doesn't know what Budweiser was? What a weird guy.

I then heard the fridge door open and took that as my chance to glimpse around the wall. As I did I saw the back of the guy hunched over with his head in the fridge looking for the beer. I took this time to study him a bit. He was wearing a tight grey shirt that showed the toned muscles of his back, and his arms were very toned as well as they flexed slightly as he used them to help keep the fridge door open and balance his tucked over figure in the door. Huh nice, easy on the eyes if I do say so myself. But I'm still going to kick his ass for breaking into my house.

I took this as my chance and completely stepped into the kitchen with my bat held high and ready to strike.

"Who the hell are you!?" I shouted at the stranger causing him to hit his head on the fridge and let out a small ow. They then stood up and turned around rubbing the back of there head.

Holey hell this man was gorgeous. Plain and simple no other words to put it. And let me tell you, I've had my fair share of handsome men at the rodeos, but this, this is a different story. He was tall, probably about 6'3", and had the most bluest eyes I had ever seen. The man had a sharp jawline and his hair was a lightish brown that looked almost silver when it caught the light from the setting sun in the window. Yup definitely gorgeous. Oh well, you broke into my house guess I'm just going to have to mess that pretty face up a bit.

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