15. QUEEN!

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Vivaan looked at his watch to find it's 1 am already, as he hurried up to his room, where lied his heart, his love, his girl, the girl he hurt heartlessly, thought he, but he shrugged the thought for a while. He has all his life for guilt, but currently, he needs to be near his girl!

After spending almost two hours in that shitty basement, finally he came back to the room, but what he saw shocked him, making his breathings hitched.

"Sweetheart?" he called, to get no answer, as he checked the bed, then washroom, balcony, every single corner of his room, & than went to her room, to find it empty, like nobody resided there since years, as he, yesterevening, in his anger, he himself asked the staff to clear this whole room.

"Sweetheart? A-Aisha?" called he again checking the kitchen & lawn now, as his calls resonated in the whole penthouse, & his voice held desperation, while his heart grew too heavy in his chest, his stomach churning in anticipation not finding his girl anywhere.

'Where the hell did she go? D-Did she l-leave me a-already? No, no, that can't be happening right? Did the Scorpios kidnap her again? But how can they, she is in my zone, my house after all! Is she h-hiding in some room in anger? Is she having a panic attack again?' his mind flooded with a thousand of questions, & with his every breathe, his questions rose, as he closed his eyes, intaking a deep breathe, & moving his palm all over his face, when he heard someone calling him from behind.

"Bhai?" asked Avi & with him came Geet yet crying, not meeting anyone's gaze; Mrs. Khurana, with a sulking face; & a crying Vidhi, who has been crying ever since forever!

"A-Avi I can't find A-Aisha anywhere!" spoke Vivaan, moving to Avi, in desperation, & that was it, the two girls started crying loudly, their guilt over-powering their senses, as Mrs. Khurana took them both to the living, looking irritated by their crying, yet sympathetic to their cause.

"Where can Princess go this quick?" asked Avi, with his eyes a little widened, as girly sobs entered their ears.

Then they saw Tara coming to them.

"Tara, search the cctv footage, & tell me where is Aisha!" ordered Avi, as Vivaan stood there, his eyes moving here-&-there, along with his conflicted thoughts, as he moved him large fingers over the side of his forehead.

"Bhai don't worry, we'll find her!" declared Avi, holding Vivaan's one shoulder in support.

"That we'll, but what will happen when I face her Avi? W-Will she forgive me, w-will s-she l-love me? W-Will she h-hate me?" asked Vivaan his tone lowered & his look distant, as he looked at the floor, his head a little bowed, as fear of loosing her gripped his heart.

"Bhai, I won't lie to you, but I don't know! After you hurt her in Goa, & she came back, leaving you there, I don't think so she'll forgive you, or for that matter anyone of us all this time.... But I don't know! She-she is Aisha, she has a golden heart, she-she thinks, behaves, acts & lives very differently! She isn't like us, or like anyone else! She-she is precious Bhai, too precious, & I-I fear we h-have lost her, already... We can find her, b-but we have l-lost our p-places in her h-heart & eyes... I could see that in the d-dungeon itself, but I didn't care, thinking she-she is the t-traitor..." confessed Avi, only for Vivaan to gulp in anticipation, when Tarun, their fourth in command, called for their attention.

"King, she is the nurse on duty with Queen, & she knows about our Queen!" spoke Tarun bowing down, with hesitation in his words, as he saw how his so called 'QUEEN' was treated by his own King, making him confused.

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