How You Met|Josh

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The night couldn't get worse, you had just been dumped by your boyfriend of 3 years in a nice fancy restaurant. A gorgeous new black dress clung to your body as tears streamed down your cheeks and hiccups escaped your lips.

It was dark and he was your ride home so after storming out of the building, you were left with no option but to walk home in heels. That was until you had gotten halfway home and one of them snapped, causing you to topple over and fall on your bare knees, both of them scraping.

You swore to yourself before kicking your heels off and stuffing them under your arm and continuing your journey. Fortunately you remembered a bus stop on the way home. It was just up ahead and you could only see one other person over there, although they looked to be asleep.

You hobbled over and leant yourself against one of the walls of the small shelter with a sigh, no movement from the person beside you though. He was slouched with his hands in his pockets and his head hung low, you couldn't see his face, just the top of his jet black hair.

You were stood there for a while, minding your own business, silently plotting some sort of murder on your now ex boyfriend when you're thoughts, however, were interrupted by a small sniffling sound from beside you, as you looked down you noticed small drops falling from the boys face.

"Excuse me sir, are you okay?" You asked, normally people would think nothing of it and leave him alone, but you were that person that has to make sure everyone's okay, even if you're not. He sat there shaking, not replying to your question, obviously meaning 'no I'm not okay'.

You went to sit beside him and he burst into loud sobs as you caress his back sympathetically.

"I'm so sorry" he choked out towards you, he looked up for the first time that night and the first thought that entered your mind was 'wow'. Never in a million years would you be able to cry like a ball of broken mess and still look cute. His beautiful eyes shone in the street lamps as tears brimmed his lashes, his nose was all red and his cheeks looks as if he had dunked his head in a bucket of water.

"Don't be sorry, to be honest I feel a bit like that now" you forced out a laugh and the corners of his lips turned upward in a small sad smile.

"My uh, girlfriend just broke up with me" he bit his lip to stop it from trembling and you suddenly felt a pang in your stomach. You wanted to hug him and hold him and tell him everything would be alright, and you didn't know why. He was obviously very attractive and everything but, something about him just pulled you so much further into him. Not physically but mentally and emotionally.

"I'm sorry" you whispered, placing a hand on his arm, he glanced down at your hand and fiddled with his own hands.

"Me too" he said bitterly, looking up to the ghost town of a road for a bus that didn't look like it was coming.

"But you can't let her ruin anything, you've got to move on, it will take time but there's someone out there better for you, they're just waiting for you with open arms and as soon as you find them, they'll hold you tight and never let go" you smiled encouragingly but he just laughed nastily.

"No she isn't! I thought I had her, I thought she was the one to hold me tight and never let go, but she just threw me to the floor and grabbed someone else to hold and love forever" a few more tears slipped down this cheeks and landed in the scruff on his jaw.

"She just wasn't the one to be, you'll find someone else" you tried but he just threw his hands up frustratedly.

"No I won't! You don't know what it's like! I thought she was my whole world but apparently I've been sharing her with some other dick for the last three months" he stared at you with a mean look in his eyes.

"Actually my boyfriend just broke up with me for the same reason" you said quietly, removing your hands from his body and lacing them together on your lap. You were looking down to avoid his mean stare, not noticing it was replaced by wide eyes and guilty tears on his cheeks.

"I am so sorry, I had no idea I- I just assumed- I- I don't know what came over me" he put his head in his hands and sighed. It seemed like tonight just wasn't his night.

"It's okay, when something bad happens it's almost as if you feel like the only one in the world that could ever feel pain, but, you're never really alone" you smiled as tears threatened to spill again, mostly from the memories of the restaurant. The boy looked up to you and smiled, his smile was crooked but gorgeous. A small explosion of butterflies went off in your stomach and you had to mentally slap yourself for it, the guy just got out of a tough relationship, he doesn't need you climbing all over him right now.

"What was your name again?" He asked, squinting his eyes to force himself into remembering the piece of information you handy actually told him.

"Y/N" you smiled shyly.

"I'm Josh" he returned the smile and you both giggled quietly at each other before looking up the road as a pair of headlights made themselves apparent. You both stood up as the loud engine of a bus started rolling down the Tarmac. Instead of doing what buses should do and allowing you both to get on it, it decided to ignore you completely and drive on past, splashing you in the process from a muddy puddle on the road.

You squealed out as Josh yelled down the road at the bus, as soon as he saw you he burst out laughing.

"Oh-oh God I'm sorry I just-" he was clutching his stomach as hysterics came over him, you couldn't help but laugh along and soon the whole street was echoing with your giggles. "I'm sorry, that sucks but- it just seems typical" you nodded in agreement that after everything that happened, it would be you that got splashed.

After you had gotten rid of the last few giggles left in your system, you were pleasantly surprised as Josh then took off his coat and wrapped it around your bare arms.

"You'll catch a cold" he mumbled with a shrug as you raised an eyebrow at him. It was warm and fluffy inside and his strong scent of cologne filled your nostrils as you wrapped it tighter around your small frame. "I guess we're walking" he sighed and began his way down the road. You sighed before taking the inevitably painful journey home.


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